On Sunday Nina and I decided to on a little run, starting at Sierra Azul and ending at my house, about 13 miles away. It has hills! It has shade! It’s the perfect run.
Well, not so much.
It turns out that the Sierra Azul trail is pretty much straight up for 7 miles and then straight down for 4.5. And most of it’s not shaded. While Sunday wasn’t as hot as, say, Saturday was, it was still pretty damn sunny. And you know: straight up. We didn’t run it so much as hike it as fast as we could and take panting breaths under the periodic spots of shade. We both ran out of water, and when we got to Lexington Reservoir my mouth was so dry that I said, “Screw this” (not especially easy to do with dry mouth), and I called Darin to come get us.
Today I was at the doctor’s office, where the nurse took my blood pressure. 88/55. She blinked, looked at me, decided against calling for the crash cart, and said, “Let’s take that again.” 92/65.
While I always have low blood pressure, that’s ridiculous. That’s deydration in action: the blood is sluggish ’cause there’s no damn liquid in it.
Go drink some water! Right this minute!
This is excellent advice. Too bad the guides here had their priorities wrong
That’s funny, the doctor told you to drink water?!