Recently Movable Type had their required upgrade to 3.3, which as far as I could see also required a move to MySQL. No, I didn’t investigate heavily to see if I could stay with Berkeley DB. I just didn’t see anything that said I could. So I decided I was going to get MySQL working on our server, and then, after much urging from my friend Otto, I would move to WordPress.
Long story short: got MySQL working (3 hours?), got WordPress working (another 3 hours?), and I can’t use it because I haven’t figured out how to redirect permalinks from this MT install to the new WP install. (Which you can see at
So apparently I’m stuck with MT for the moment. Feh. And WordPress is really, really cool, too.
(Okay, okay  I see in the official installation guide for 3.3 that Berkeley DB is supported. Don’t hassle me! I have updated to MT 3.33 until such time as I get the WP permalinks working. Oy.)
so glad your posts are back up! several days of just an empty page was causing severe withdrawal symptoms, LOL!