I’ve moved to the new site. The new server. Everything. Feel free to let me know if you find anything completely fracked up. I’m working on it, ‘kay? And it really is hellishly faster to fix stuff with WordPress than it was with Movable Type. Yow-za.
There’s a new RSS feed too.
Diane says
And now to test the comments. Pesky comment, ahoy!
Peggy says
Okay, this may be my second comment. The first one went poof when I accidentally hit . Anyway, I like the new design and the font is nice and big. This comment section was weird. After I filled in my name and email address, I tabbed once to the website field, tabbed again without filling out the website field (I don’t have one) and then the cursor dropped about 5 pages worth down to this comment box. Also, a suggestion for the links section — perhaps you can widen it slightly…some of the categories are showing up on two lines, usually with the number of postings on the next line.
Peggy says
Me, again. The original comment mysteriously disappeared when I hit the backspace key.
Fernando says
Don’t forget to move over your favicon.ico!
pooks says
Love it bunches! Sharp and easy to read, and I love the graphic and colors.
Michael Rawdon says
Well gee, and here I was wondering why you hadn’t written anything in two months because there was nothing in your RSS feed. But that’s because you didn’t leave a pointer in the old feed pointing to the new feed, so I didn’t know you’d switched over to a new engine and a new feed URL.
All righty then, time to play catch-up!
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