My lovely, talented, and amazing daughter found my notebook in a place where I would never have thought to look for it and have no idea how it might have migrated there: a bag of toys rounded up and stuck under the kitchen desk a long time ago.
But who cares. It’s found.
What’s funny is, even when I was freaking out about it on Friday, I had a quiet, calm voice in my head saying, “You wrote it once, you can write it again. Everything is fine.” So I got over my upset a lot faster than I might have once. It’s like I’m growing up or something. (Which is good, given that my birthday is this week.)
Off to transcribe.
Woo! I love it when I find something that’s sacred. (I, too, am missing a notebook, but it’s not something I need to transcribe… however, there are important notes in there on book 2 I cannot quite remember. ugh.)
And happy birthday this week. Hope it’s a great one.
Your daughter must be very talented girl…