I already skip Starbucks whenever possible, because I’m into the “support your local coffeehouse” thing and, also, Starbucks’ coffee tastes like ass in comparison to my local coffeehouse’s. Except when you need that oh-so-delicious ice cream shake Frappucino.
Well, not so much. Starbucks uses rBGH milk (from cows treated with rBGH hormone) in its products.
Pass. Just remember: that milk making your Frappucino might have had pus in it! Yum, eh?
I don’t have a neighborhood coffee house, damn it.
Besides, I never get Fraps. I always get venti organic lattes.
Please don’t tell me there’s something wrong with that organic milk that comes in a box….
There’s actually no milk in a Frappuccino. The base comes in a box. The coffee-based ones are fine. The creme based ones, however, are scary. The creme base kind of coagulates and clots if you let it sit for a while. But the coffee ones are fine. So… there you go. No pus in the Frappuccinos.
Well, this story has cured me of ever desiring a Gingerbread Latte again (my Starbucks guilty pleasure, thankfully only available a fraction of the year). And now you have cured me of ever wanting a creme Frappucino. Thanks for that!
The last time I was in Safeway, I couldn’t even find non-rBGH milk. I was horrified.