I had oral surgery this morning: a graft taken from the roof of my mouth and sewn onto my gum line. It was less fun than it sounds, although I did get a prescription for Vicodin out of it. (What can I say? I hear about the cool Hollywood drugs and want to try them, at least when it’s medically necessary.)
Between not wanting to touch my palate with my tongue, and not moving my left cheek (to avoid moving the sutures), I can barely move my mouth. I sound like Lili von Shtupp, from Blazing Saddles. Needless to say, my kids are paying me no mind, except to say, “Mom, why do you sound so funny?”
Yikes, I need to have that done, and have been avoiding it. I’d probably go ahead, but there is a crown issue that just sounds too painful to contemplate. Better to wait ’til later when it’s really bad…er… well. Anyway, hope you feel better soon.
It’s twoo, it’s twoo