Oh what the heck — all of my friends (okay: Tamar and Pooks AND Toni) are doing this. I’m always saying I need to post more, and the best way to get people reading your page is to give them fresh stuff to read. (A friend of mine once had a website named Fresh Stuff — and the domain too, if I remember correctly. Then he must have discovered that it’s often very hard to have something each and every day.)
Today I have no brilliant thoughts to write an essay upon, so instead I’ll just give you a bunch of links to other people’s wonderful postings so that you can, at least, read their fresh stuff:
- Toughest blog entry title to beat: Gawker’s The Zagat’s of Cocaine.
- If you’re into drawing, sketching, art, or simply following your bliss, Danny Gregory’s Everyday Matters is a wonderful blog.
- Site I can’t stop checking for new entries (and I do have an RSS feed for them — I just can’t stop checking!): Firedoglake, your go-to site for all things Fitzmas.
- Speaking of Fitzmas, Patrick Fitzgerald: Ultimate TV Boyfriend. (Some blog I read pointed me to TBogg, which had a link to this, but I can find neither the original link nor the TBogg one.)
- The Kung Fu Monkey (aka, John Rogers) always rocks the house, and his entry on Writing Action Scenes is a definite keeper.
- The best site on the Web is the one where a best-selling author is tossing Ye Olde Career under the wheels of an oncoming train. And I’m not going to link to it, but if you can come up with the author described by the terms “paranormal,” “porn,” and “amazingly bad editing,” you’ll probably be close.
Okay, what am I? Chopped liver?
(doing holidailies, too, damnit)
You are so busted. ALL your friends??? Toni isn’t the only chopped liver around here. I’m ground organ meat too!!!
Not only is that comment mean, D, it’s not PC either. You’re prejudiced against non-bloggers. Pffft. to you.
Man, this is a TOUGH crowd.
But obviously one that values your friendship.