I went to see the doctor this morning (thankfully, he was running late — I was running around like a maniac this morning trying to get the kids ready to go and get Simon to preschool before my appointment, and I ended up being late) to check on the progress of my thyroid meds. He had the results of my last blood test, and my TSH is at a much better level. It was 4.x when I got tested in May, which indicates a low thyroid; it’s now around 1.1, which indicates a much healthier level. And on every scale he was measuring me on, I’m evidently doing better.
Except one. Exercise is still wiping me out. I mentioned my two-hour run, two-hour nap pattern.
He said, “You’re doing too much. You’re overexerting yourself.” He shook his head. “Most of my patients I have to plead with to get some exercise. You, I have to tell to do less. Only thirty to forty-five minutes a day.”
I told him I wanted to do a marathon next year. He’s a former marathoner. He understands.
“It’s going to take some time for your body to adjust.”
Well, doing shorter runs throughout the week and suffering one long run/one long nap seems okay for the moment.
Update: My friend Rob IM’d me with, “I want your doctor!” A doctor who tells you not to get exercise…excellent, Smithers.
I’m trying desperately to find the song “There’s an Echo” by the Backyardigans, and was lead by a Google search to your site. Might you, by chance, know where I could find that song?
If you could, please comment on my blog with your answer. Thanks for any help you can give!