Via Political Animal, we find new scientific standards set for Kansas schoolchildren:
– The Kansas State Board of Education has once again thrown itself into the middle of the debate over evolution, adopting new science-curricula standards for the state’s 445,000 public-school students that openly question Darwinian theory.
The newly approved Kansas regulations, which don’t require the teaching of intelligent design, are significantly broader. They not only question the theory that all life has a common origin, they also rewrite the definition of science, holding that it no longer is limited to searching for natural explanations for natural phenomena.
In the immortal words of the Kung Fu Monkey: Everyone who wants to live in the twenty-first century come stand over here. Everyone who wants to live in the eighteenth century go stand over there, and best of luck with that.
I honestly don’t understand what the appeal of being ignorant is to these people. Other than the joy of keeping other people ignorant, and thereby have power over them. Well, I guess I just answered my own question.
I like to call it Intelligence Decline.