Via Suburban Guerilla, yet the latest in a very long line of ever-scarier stories:
Republican lawmakers are drafting new legislation that will make marriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana, including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who do become pregnant “by means other than sexual intercourse.â€Â
According to a draft of the recommended change in state law, every woman in Indiana seeking to become a mother through assisted reproduction therapy such as in vitro fertilization, sperm donation, and egg donation, must first file for a “petition for parentage†in their local county probate court.
Only women who are married will be considered for the “gestational certificate†that must be presented to any doctor who facilitates the pregnancy. Further, the “gestational certificate†will only be given to married couples that successfully complete the same screening process currently required by law of adoptive parents.
In ten years, ye shall know them by the answer to, “Who the fuck did you vote for? You know, back when we still had elections?”
I have said for years that some people really should have licenses before being allowed to have children. I said this in gest! Right now I am appalled and terrified. Offred indeed. Thanks for posting this.
How creepy is that?
Quick, Diane! Come join us north of the border before they close it! (Though only a small part of our decision, The Handmaid’s Tale did figure in to our decision to leave the US for Canada.)
JESUS. That’s…words fail me. How can these things be happening? Where IS EVERYONE?!
Yikes. This is freaking unbelievable. Where are the people who were in an uproar when earlier this year (or was it late last year?) that some east-coast senator tried to make a law that would essentially treat any women who miscarried without reporting it to the law as a murderer? There was a huge uproar and lots of e-mails written and the idiot senator did an immediate about face, claiming he’d never meant it to apply to women who had had miscarriages, you know, in spite of the fact that’s what his law said, no no no, silly peole, he just meant that women who abandon infants who then die are murderers. Because those two things are so easily confused in his world, we’re supposed to think it was a “mistake of language.”
Who do we need to write to get get the attention this needs to have?
Actually, I think those people are on it…it was a lot of bloggers in the infertility rings and I’ve seen this same news on almost all of their blogs. Hopefully this will help stop this atrocious bill. I’m just incredulous, but especially because my sister and her partner live in that state. Who is that woman to tell them that they can’t be parents?
It seems to me that the more entrenched we become in the middle east with the fanatical religious suicide bomber zealots, the more we’re growing an entrenched fanatical group of intolerant zealots at home. We’ve now got senators on record as being pro-torture! (Senators Allard (Colorado), Bond (Missouri), Coburn (Oklahoma), Cochran (Missouri), Cornyn (Texas), Inhofe (Oklahoma), Roberts (Kansas), Sessions (Alabama), and Stevens (Alaska)? These men are on the record, on the floor of the Senate, as opposing a ban on the use of cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners….
Of course this malaise comes from the top. Is it too early to call for the impeachment of George Bush for high crimes?
Hi — Off topic, but since the contact form gives a 404, I will comment here:
Blogroll maintenance request from Corrente
I’m updating our blogroll — if you have a minute, could you please update your blogroll so that it links to the new, renovated Corrente site? Here is the link:
Corrente, which should replace the existing link.
We’re still working on the color scheme some, but we’re ready for readers to come in and look around….
Thanks for linking to us!
This is a very odd situation…
I would take that trip to Canada right about now….