That worked.
Always back up your templates.
Clearly, I have to figure out how to use external template files with MT, because having to recreate new template files every time is very wearying.
What the hell, wanna redesign this place anyhow…
Yeah, I’m with this guy… Sigh. I don’t know why Movable Type is such an unwieldy pig—probably for the same reason MS Word is. Because it’s all things to all people. And in the immortal words of a computer science prof from Stanford: “(Insert name here) is a power tool. And power tools can kill.” (I think he was talking about C. It’s been a while.)
Although, I have to agree with John Scalzi on this: MT 3.2 is pretty faboo. The Junk Comments filter (much better interface that MT-Blacklist). The Junk Trackbacks filter (we can use trackbacks again!). Much better division of labor between tabs, instead of scattering it all on one page. And a way prettier layout for a lot of this stuff.
The font size they use is way too small. Not everyone lives in a 9-point world, people.
I wish MT weren’t such a resource hog. With a tendency to destroy sites when you upgrade. Other than that it’s perfect. (Just remember to back up.)
Okay, and now I’m begging for comments, to make sure that the commenting function works for people besides me.
Wow, is the comment template ugly! Whoo, better go work on that.
Here I am, testing your comments. Hello, comments! How shiny you are.
Congrats on defeating Moveable Type!
Now this comment is after logging in with typekey.
Testing the auto-post feature for TypeKey users….
Just curious, what’s the resource/piggishness problem you’re having with MT? We’re finding that MT is a *lot* faster for our users since version 3.2 came out, so I’d like to understand more about any problems you’re having.
And really, you wanna side with a guy who calls me “Anal”? I’m sure anybody could think of a more clever insult than that. 🙂
Heh. Sorry, didn’t notice the insult.
I actually really, really love MT 3.2. It is FANTASTIC. Leaps and bounds above 3.1. I guess I should put up a post saying that the new comment sorting system is worth the price of, you know, actually registering, especially with the sale going on. (One blog. One author. Haven’t registered.)
I haven’t noticed much of a difference on the display end of things. That may be faster.
On the operations end, it’s still a pig.
MT is incredibly powerful, probably more so than I actually need for a blog, although the blog management features are terrific. But…
If I change the text in an entry, I get the spinning wheel of doom while MT rebuilds the entry. Isn’t the whole point of these great systems that the entries don’t HAVE to be built ahead of time, they can just be built on the fly?
And God forbid I change a template and then have to rebuild my entire site. I go and make coffee. And then some breakfast. And the kids’ lunches.
Also, when I posted this entry I was very, very upset at having to rebuild my whole site since the upgrade (WHICH WAS NOWHERE NEAR AS SIMPLE AS Y’ALL MADE IT OUT TO BE and I know I’m not the only person to say that) trashed my comments.