Since an MT employee stopped by to say howdy and ask about some of the things I said in this entry, I figured it was only fair to post an entry about how MT’s been working for me since I got it, you know, working.
It’s great.
If you use MT, upgrade to 3.2 Especially with the licensing sale they have on. I guess I should get a license, if my brother-in-law’s singing group is still doing a blog. (Aha! They aren’t! I should get on the stick.) The integrated commenting features alone are worth it! I was very happy that MT-Blacklist gave me some control over comment spam, but MT really seems to have a handle on spam now. I haven’t seen one get in in the past couple of days, and I’ve deleted a hundred or so from the “Junk Comments” area.
I still think MT uses way too many resources building and rebuilding entries, so whenever I see the spinning wheel of doom, I do something else on the computer for a while. But I don’t think it’s that much worse than previous versions of MT. And considering the extra features? Totally worth it.
Just remember: if you do that upgrade? BACK ALL OF YOUR BLOGS UP BEFORE DOING A DARN THING. Seriously. Don’t make me cry.
I just don’t see the benefit of upgrading. 2.64 still mostly works (except for Trackbacks) and since I installed MT-Close2 I haven’t had to delete a single spam comment. So besides a functioning Trackback, what does $70 get me?
Diane, do you still have an RSS feed? Your old one does not seem to be working anymore; I thought you were on hiatus or something.
Ack. I’ve edited the front templates a little to point to the index.xml file. I hope that’s the right one.
Whoops, didn’t see your question there, Daryl: I guess you need the expensive license because of having a multi-author blog? I don’t know specifically if there are better features for dealing with multiple authors, but the comment moderation feature is MUCH, MUCH better than dealing with Blacklist ever was, because it’s utterly seamless.
I also find the Control panel much better laid out and easier to deal with.
I don’t know if there are lots of new features or not.
Hmmm. After tons and tons of research — okay, absolutely none, I’ve just been playing around with the templates — I can’t figure out why the main index for NKA doesn’t get the “RSS” button on the Safari Address Bar, but these individual entries do get them.
I’m assuming there’s something in the index file I need to add. Which I will look into after I get back from dropping S. off at school.