A jail deputy in Oregon started collecting before and after mug shots of meth uses, calling them “The Faces of Meth.” It’s pretty scary stuff, how terribly and completely changed these people’s faces and bodies are. (Now, there’s one pair in there where I think the person looks better in the second shot, but that’s just me. Most of them are seriously horrifying. Work-safe, except if you work in a meth lab.)
I had a friend who did a lot of crystal meth. Said it was great, because it allowed him to concentrate for days at a stretch. (Concentrating mostly on doing more crystal meth, or clubbing, or whatever else he was doing, but he ostensibly used it to get lots of work done too.) I haven’t seen him in years. I heard a while back he didn’t look so good. He once said he wanted to get a Ritalin prescription, because that would have the same effect on him…and it wouldn’t be illegal.
I saw a full size poster of faces of meth, following the decline of a user. My husband and I work with meth addicts in recovery and we would really like to get a copy of this poster. Can anyone help? thanks!
laugh now…cry later. The mask used in theaters
I tries crystal for the first time a week ago. At first it felt good. I didn’t jones for it like I did coke and I had no desire to drink alcohol which is another one of my vices. I thought that was good. Also the wight loss was nice. But it made me feel sick. Headaches and nausea. I started researching it online and what I read made me feel so dirty. Why did I do that to myself? I feel it was a good experience if for the fact that it made me look at myself and my life. I enjoy myself when sober. When I am high it is like life is going on and on and I am not a part of it. Using meth made me realize that I have too much love and joy in my life to throw away the good times by using. I honestly feel that the little binge I just went on kind of “cured” my alcoholism and my cocaine addiction. I have no desire for either, at the moment. I want to stay like this. real and sober. I never want to feel so dirty as i did coming down from meth. I’ve marked the day of my realization on my calendar as a reminder and while it has only been a week I know that I cannot even relapse a little. Not even one line because I want to be true to myself and my family. So I think the one thing that got me through coming off that stuff was the thought that it wasn’t in vain………. I gained some valuable insight on myself.
Lisa, give us an update.. were you able to stay clean.. I hope you took advantage of the various resources that are available and got yourself a good, strong support system as well.. because you can’t do it alone.. and sometimes just being reminded that you aren’t alone in your struggles… can help tremendously. Good luck & God bless .
I have seen what Meth can do to people. First hand as a street cop in San Pablo then as a narcotics officer working in a task force in the Bay Area 10 years ago. Now the rest of the country is seeing what we knew years ago. Methamphabians, Crystals and Pistols they live and die by the unknown white, yellow, brown and sometimes red powdery substance known as Meth. I do not wish it on any family, it is a brutal and deadly drug!
After having spent about 34 years as an active addict, and in just about the same condition as the people in Faces of Meth, the poster brought tears to my eyes, and at the same time I thank God. I can just imagine the state of mind those people live in…it brings back all of those old feelings I once had. I know the hopelessness, I know that feeling of having to be “high” to do anything, and I also know that the high never lasts. When I was at the point where I looked similar to the people in the poster, the drugs had quit working. I just couldn’t get high…although I still did the drugs. Meth was just one of the many substances I abused from my early teen years until I was 38. Today, I am doing things I never would have thought I could do. In December I will receive a BA in psychology, and am planning to pursue a Masters in Mental health Rehabilitation, specializing in substance abuse. All that said, when I saw the poster, all those so long ago desperate feelings surfaced. Sometimes that surfacing of old feelings is painful. All I can do is thank God that I did not end up as so many of my “get high” buddies did. I’ve seen so many people die of AIDS, OD, become murder victims or become victimizers who will never get out of lives of crime. So many have mental health problems that interfere with daily living, and cannot care for themselves. I have NEVER seen the abuse of this substance turn out to be a positive thing. It is not a “recreational” substance.
If you Want to see what Faces of Meth looks like, in the real that is, hit any low-income, high-crime neighborhood, between the hours of 10 pm & 6 am & that should do it.
Take Care……..
Narcotics not only destroy the body but open the doors to demons from hell which degrade ones spirit to the point where it cannot be recovered. Spiritual damage is far more dangerous than physical. People end up looking like demons, and to hell they go unless they meet Jesus. Jesus can set anyone free from drug adiciton and demonic control. God offers peace, hope and future to any drug adict who is hopeless and discouraged. I want to say to any adict.. God loves you and you are far too precious in His eyes to allow the devil to destroy you. Satan is in the world to kill still and destroy, he hates the human race and that’s what he does through drug abuse. Any abuse leads to demonisation.. Satan walks hand in hand with abuse of any kind. His mission is to destroy the human lives and defile them beyond ability to ask for help. Hell is full of people who died from overdose. Hell was created for the satan and his follen angels not for people. God loves you and does not want you to go there. He created to be a part of God’s family.
Accept Jesus today and receive, peace, joy, hope and future. Life without limint or end.
First to Anatoly: you’re wrong. Even if there were a Hell (which the Bible proves repeatedly there is NOT) it wouldn’t be “full of people who died of overdose” or anything else, because DEATH ABSOLVES YOU OF YOUR SINS. So once you were dead, you would have no need of punishment. So please don’t preach half-truths, you’ll just confuse people. Or study up on it before you start talking and frightening people.
Second thing I’d like to say is, I was very heavily into Meth (the “real deal” the stuff they manufactured in sterile labs, the stuff that Hitler used to make his Nazi soldiers insanely violent and unstoppable,not the crap they make in sinks and toilets today) and while the physical effects were nowhere near as pronounced or as quick to surface as the poisons they use today, it was just as big a destroyer, and I thank God every day that I got busted (oh yeah, had to deal to pay for my ever-increasing habit!) and went to prison. I have battled ever since with sinus problems (from shredding my nasal membranes) severe recurrent headaches from the destruction of neural tissues that communicate pain that isn’t really there, and loss of bone density, even though I am only 46 now and have been clean for many many years. That stuff doesn’t come back. Any use at all will result in permanent damage to your body if not your mind as well.
I’m checking back to see if the one lady Lisa has been in touch, I don’t see that she has. I pray for her, I hope she’s okay, maybe in rehab and can’t go online? I hope?
And I pray for Martha too, I hope you’re well! I knew a lovely young lady named Martha in San Diego who I helped to lead down the path to destruction on Meth, but she escaped…I’m so happy with what you have achieved in your life, it is encouraging to hear. I hope all my victims are okay. It’s something you live with forever if you ever deal drugs and then become a decent human being: where are they all??? What did I do to them? Do I have blood on my hands?? Not a good feeling, even after 25 years.
They say that meth is the devil’s drug..and I truly believe that. My son was a meth addict for 3 years (from 18-21), and the horrible things that he did to our family and himself have taken years off of my life as well as his for sure.
He has been one of the lucky ones so far. He hit rock bottom, came home, and had a mom who was desparate enough to send him away out of state to friends that were tough love. Now he has been in Job Corps for a year and is excelling and has a trade as well as his diploma. My son knows that once an addict always an addict, and tries to stay away from anyone who is near to meth…but, where it used to be kind of hard to get, now it is EVERYWHERE! I worry everyday that he will fall into it again when things get tough in his life.
After a year and a half, I still can’t sleep through the night because for so long I would wake up in the middle of the night with my son stealing from me or standing at the end of the bed staring at me (used to sleep with my wallet under my pillow).
The lives that are devastated aren’t just the user….it is the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children of the meth addict.
His teeth are bad, he is sick alot, and this was a healthy kid…Meth ruins everything and I am so glad that its finally out and being exposed for the killer that it is!
I am devastated by what this drug can do and horrified. I guess I crawled from up under a rock, because I never knew anything about the epidemic of meth. I have never used drugs. My husband and I became friends with a couple and the couple divorced. We thought we were helping our friend out and let him stay in a place that we own. He was smart, healthy and employeed. We did not know about the demons of his past and drug use..we did not know him that long, and when we met him he was clean, but he contacted his old friends and started using drugs again. He ruined our place. There was brown powdery stuff all over the floor, liter outside of the property, holes in the cabinets, holes in the stone tile…I can go on and on. But his face…his body. He had lost so much weight, over 4 months. He looked like a completely different person. He was messing with prostitues(we were told), he would disappear for days. He deserted our condo that we were renting out to him, when we went over there and nocked on the door one day, it was empty. Went in, and there was a glass flask on the night stand. He was such a liar. He lied about everything and made it seem as if he was oblivious to so many things. As if he was in a bubble when confronted. He moved some really strange people into our property and lied and told them that he owned it. We kicked everyone out. We got neighbors involved to watch the place. It was so very disappointing, so devastating. We saw this drug take our friend down. He didn’t care about anything, his son, his life…God, nothing. He used to go to church, and be the sort of guy that laughed and would watch the foot ball games and was into electronics and technology. This is what he had in common with my husband, but after his divorce and the pain he endured from his wife divorcing him, he went down so fast. He changed, his personality changed. He was no longer the guy we knew, that used to be so kool. We were not near the place we rented to him, so we did not go over there, but could tell when speaking to him on the phone, that he was changing. He lost his job and everything started to dwindle. With us not knowing anything about meth, we believed him and that he was losing weight because he was diagnosed with diabetes and depressed over his divorce. But it was due to the drug.
He is now in jail for years on so many offenses. I cry when I think about a great guy that opened himself up to a very dark, self destructive existence. I pray while in jail, he turns his life around for good. I thank God we are away from the danger that he could have put us in, just by knowing him. Drug dealers were after him all the time, he said. It’s scary and sad at the same time. Here we are law abiding, caring,innocent people, all caught up emotionally by someone who could care less than a dam about us…or anything, when all we tried to do was be a supportive friend.
I pray for all those who are affected by this drug, I pray the blood of the Lord washes over you and release this death trap off your spirit and life. Life is not easy, but it is worth fighting to keep it clean and protected from voluntary destruction.
I pray for the friends and family who have seen the torture and been through the pain, loss and roller coaster that this drug has taken them through, by seeing what it can do to someone that they love. God is a God of restoration…yours will come, when you you give the pain you are going through over to the Lord, His strength is sufficient to clear your path and give you peace.
Thank you for listening to my story, I know some of you have gone through far worse, but it is healing to know that I am not alone and that there is hope. I have read all the stories, saw the pictures…all I can say is that God can turn around what the enemy( satan, mind demons, etc.) has stolen…just fight to let him step in, and fight to keep the doors locked on death called meth, and any other substance that can harm you. For those that don’t believe in God and what he can do…I am witness to how he can step in front of a volatile situation and guard one from mass destrustion form another…
Take care-
Adela – What in the world are you talking about? First, there most certainly is a hell and the Bible speaks of it quite often (maybe the word “hell” isn’t used, but it is reffered to throughout Christ’s public ministry) Second, your attempt at creating a parralel between death absolving us of sin and there being no need for punishment after death is a complete non-sequitor. (sp?) There is no sin after death, because, WE ARE DEAD! “Each man is appointed once to die, and then the judgement” For believers (those who have put their faith in Christ) they will be admitted into Heaven to be in the presence of God, but their “Heaven experience” will be shaped by the good works they did while on earth. For Non-believers, they will be judged for not accepting God’s free gift of salvation and living a life of sin. For them, Hell is the place they will be spending eternity.
These are the facts, its not my story, but His story. If you don’t like the rules of the game, take it up with the creator.
I hope you read this and think. Think about your need for God and his grace and mercy. Not about being right or wrong, but about you and your future with (or without) God! Jesus is the answer. Pray to God that he will reveal himself to you! He will!
God loves you!
I wonder if people even know what they are talking about:
“First to Anatoly: you’re wrong. Even if there were a Hell (which the Bible proves repeatedly there is NOT) it wouldn’t be “full of people who died of overdose” or anything else, because DEATH ABSOLVES YOU OF YOUR SINS.”
Where the heck do you get your info??? In MY Bible, NIV, there is for sure a hell. Death does not absolve you of your sins!!! Statements like that justify suicides… you have a weird twist on God and the Bible. While God is a gracious, understanding and loving God, he is also a judging and fear-worthy God. I do agree with you, however, that hell will not be full of people that have over dosed. God will never leave you, nor forsake you. No matter where you are, God knows, and if you have confessed with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, then you SHALL be saved. EVERYONE sins, and that does NOT mean that God turns away from you, because he never will. I think we ALL should be careful of our words, because we will confuse anybody if all we give them is either the good version or the bad.
As an X-meth user I am very interested in the articles pertaining to meth and the pics.that show the effects it has on the body. I am currently going to school to become a drug and alcohol counselor. I have been clean 5 yrs7 months.
hi i think that doing meth is nasty i have 2 frieds that need help because they are additthing to math
To whom it may concern:
I am gathering information (visual aids) mostly, on Meth and the after effects. I am extremely interested in “The Faces of Meth”. Is there any way you can send me the pics for it? If so it would be great!
Thank You-
Deputy Chief Joshua p. robertson
Colfax Police Department
P.O. Box 323
Colfax, Indiana 46035
i am hoping someone out there can help me inform my daughter. she needs visual proof of what can happen to a healthy person after doing meth.
please feel free to email me with any kind of pictures on might have…
thank you,
a mom on a
i hope that everyone has some hope for everyone who uses drugs. I hope that god and everyone helps every drug user that thay can. Amen.
I hope every1 can help drug users.
I just want to say to everybody, DO NOT DO METH!!! Your life depends on it!!!
I have raed all of your statements. I too deal with meth heads on a regular basis. Family, friens and neighbors. I have tryed it in my younger days. It didnt grab hold of me though. Thank God for that. I was raised in a Christian home with very loving parents. That might have been my saving grace. Now I watch as the people that are close to me kill them selves slowly with meth. As some one said earler about meth opening doodrs to hell and demonic posetion. I so beleive that to be true!!!!! This is the devils drug! I strugle every day with what do I do as a loving Christian person to help these people. I have read every artical online I can find about this addiction. I have yet to find a helpful solution. Im coming to realize that I cant do ant thing. I too would like to see the faces of meth poster. I havent been able to find it either. In our area there isnt a meth program. I dont know were to turn. I cant turn these people in to the authorities. I can only love them. But I can only do that from a distance I cant put myself or my childern at risk. Please if you can advise me on some kind of eye opening solution I would be grateful. I just dont know how to get through. To these people I am the enemy.
need your help in montana
P., one of the faces of meth, has been clean and sober four months and is working a program of recovery. He would like to tell everyone that he wants to help the younger generation to see what kind of disease it is. He is beginning to live the example he wants to set.
Anyone wanting the Poster Printout, go to Facesofmeth.us
Meth is srarting to hit hard in upstate NY. I think it is so sad… and users relly do look like walking zombies. Check out the faces of meth. The pictures are truly horrifying..sends chills through out my whole body when i look at the pics!
I think meth is so stupid and people shouldnt do it cause it fucks up your body.
hey, i was a adict for 4 years and have been recently clean now for 8 months but still havin craving problems , if anyone could send me some info and overcomiong them please email me back1 thanks or if anyone one wants to chat with me about anything on this subject i would love to hear from you
My name is Michelle and I am a addict.. I have been one since I first tried it in 1992 … Both my parents are in recovery as well.. Using has always been apart of my life … Slowly woven into my daily life.. I am 29 now and I am barely learning how to live clean and sober… I now have two children ages 6mo and 4yrs…My addiction took me to dark and scary place. When it was finally over I was six months pregnant alone in my dirty unmaintained apartment and strung out… I never saw light much and it took the cops to stop my insanity.. For some like myself “it takes what it takes”… I am grateful for my fall to the bottom… Now I must pick up the pieces and slowly build back my life.. I like to call my collection of “tools”..the foundation of life… So if your out there and see no light at the end of the tunnel.. I am living proof ..THERE IS!! Thanks and GOD BLESS
Dont do Drugs!!!It Doesnt Help Anything Just Makes It Worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did meth and lost evert thibg my kids my house everything it is a bad drug it messes up your teeth and it makes you look dead it is eveil stay away or die LET GO LET GO
It`s Easy saying Dont do meth, Its stupid it will mess your life up! But It Is a drug and it is addicting. Its easier said then done. People do drugs to get a fullfillment they feel they have lost or they THINK they need.
There are no excuses for doing meth or any kind of drug.
I recently got out of rehab close to the end of march. I have been sober since Oct 18th and plan on staying that way. It is really hard to try to stay sober its a matter of determination, and self-motivation.
I was 14 years old when i started using meth, 10 years old when i started to do marijuanna. At first its peer-pressure, exceptance. “everyones doing it” Fun, and then it turns into an Addiction. I want to help ANYONE i can that needs help with any kind of addiction. Drugs. I dont care who you are there IS some kind of after effect of using. My after effects of using drugs, is seeing things in the corner of my mind, and having problems with eating. My mind is set on not wanting to eat or if i do eat I puke it up.
Drugs are VERY addicting even if its weed. Because your mind is set on that one thing, you may not realize it now, But once you DO become sober, you look back and remember all the times you used drugs, and all those times you were at work or at school thinking about the next time your gonna get high or how your gonna get high. Remember the saying “ONCE IS TOO MANY AND A THOUSAND IS NEVER ENOUGH.”
My motivation is my future. Make some motivation whether its for you or for another addict. They or you WILL Learn whether its the hard way or the helping hand way.
When I first tried meth, I didn’t think that it could take control of my life like it did. I thought it would just be something that I would do every once in a while. Every once in i while turned into an every day habbit, where i found myself hiding in my closet away from day light to take one hit after another. I secluded myself from my family and those friends who cared about me to be with people who just wanted the same thing that I did. I finnally got tired of being what i never thought would become of me… a meth head. One day i looked in the mirror to find my face full of scabs and sores and thought it was high time to get clean. I’ve been clean for 2 months now, and moved back in with my family. i want to just give a small word of advice to teenagers who are prone to pressure or have ever thought of using…. DON’T. It will ruin not only body but your mind.
please update your faces of meth pictures!! you say & we know there are millions of meth heads out there… please, please, please update the picts. After all, a picture does say a thousand words!
i just want to stop, its ruining my life.
I’ve tried and tried and just when i think i’ve stopped for good, one night and it starts a over again. I am in my final year studying law and have reached the stage where i’m exhausted and won’t complete my coursework on time. Bye bye dreams of being a lawyer.
Its changed everything about me, my desires, ambitions, personaity, health, reationship…i know of this and its that realisation of knowing what i could have been that makes me cry myself to sleep every night
it does not let demons in ur body like other ppl said, but yes , it is the devils doings…. all i have 2 say is…DONT DO DRUGS!
I know that this is not a religious site, but I couldn’t help to respond the the many mislead people. If you HEAR, BELIEVE, REPENT, CONFESS, BE BAPTIZED, and LIVE YOUR LIFE FAITHFULLY, only then will you make it to the Kingdom of Heaven.
living a decent live w/o God=hell
1 John the first chapter states that if a person calls on the name of the Lord Jesus, but does not obey the commandments, he is a lier. And liers have a place reserved for them in the lake of fire.
can u die from using meth ur first time i did it last nite and i dont no if im coming down or wat my heart is pouding rlly fast wen i breathe it goes faster im worried my heart mite explode or something can some one give me an answer plz rite away!!!!
doing drugs is just a slow way of DeAtH!!…..as if killing nd tourchuring u in a slow slow slow waaay……..DONT DO IT!! an F.Y.I. there are friends and family members who carea bout you even if u dont think so PLEASE DONT DO IT!!!!!………..=C…….bye……..bye….
I’ve seen what meth can do. It has taken away a lot of people I’ve known. Some have come back, some haven’t. What I never hear about is that it can cause Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It’s a type a cancer, of the immune system. I have researched NHL, and while lots of things are thought to contribute to its onset, meth is proven to, especially in males. So is black hair dye (in men and women), so don’t use it either. I have NHL and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. (BTW, I’m 2 years in remission after stem cell transplant.)
well where do I start. I did meth this whole memorial weekend. Got home today tired, physically and mentally and SPIRTIUALY.
I am aware of what happens to people on it that make them get paranoid, delusional, but always somebody helps change the mood or you control it. Know, I live here in Miami, and I use to do it allll the time- I use to then take a few breaks- say 2wks off to clean out and restart. But really ugly things started to happen to me. All of asuden, people we talking by me that are not my friends nor have I ever seen before- old men. They were basically sat at the table next me and started talking about some guy that they didnt like and one would tell a story about the guy and the next guy fired up more to add and ect. But as I listen closely I see and hear that the stories are just like mines when I was a young kid- the whole time sitting in that table they kept on and on.. Finally after I waited-rationalize the situation- i went to nip it in the bud- when to the old troll and put my finger on the side of his head and told him off. he looked and said….look at you, you must be sketchy! so i didnt pursue the drama and left in case the cops came.
That was my first problem- how can these old men know stories of me and my childhood?
I thought for a while that I was just tripping out and well need to move on!
I have met now every time that I do it- revelations on what is going on with this world and the key weapon – meth
its made by man- its the devils drug- and you will do the things you never thought of doing on it- lie- steel=- sex with hundreds- your face- teeth- ur soul, moralls, your ethics that your mom and dad bestowed on you. IN THE TRASH!
Call it what you want, call it delusional-schizo- whatever- I know that their are works in that we dont know and we are going to loose our souls for what- party time and hot sex!
TRY THIS!!! if you have or is having like incidents that people are talking to you and you hear them say things- mumble under their breath- look in their eyes- and you will see the look of evil- demons. record them when in conversation- listen to what they are saying. and when they get mad- its always say ” i dont know, you know”
I know it sounds crazy and yes after this week for me no more Tina! its evil and can easily seduce you to land in the pit of hell!
This is totaly off the subject reguarding CW comment 36.
No doubt he conciders himself a good christian.In his comment not even he should pass through the gates of heaven.Humanity uses god to control people through fear.Now its mostly Unions & OH & S We are made in his image.He wants us to love him & respect him.
I Believe John is in the old testament .Jesus came after that with compassion and understanding
Reguards Greg
Our daughter was a meth user and she is quiting only day 4 now; however on the 28 of Feb. she oded and fell flat on her face breaking her nose. She claims she saw the devil himself, I believe her she almost died. How long will detox take?
Doing drugs is a cheaters way of life.They say they do it because things have gotten so bad an it helps them cope.Bullcrap!!It’s chickensh*#!I am speaking from experience.Believe me I KNOW.It’s much easier to deal with things WITH A CLEAR HEAD,as to look at them through a “high” eye.And they also are much easier to solve.Beyond belief,things get better.I can’t even begin to describe.I was lucky though.I had and still have GREAT will power.I see people I know everyday that use meth or have,and the ones that still do,I pray for everyday.And the ones that do not still use are faced with the struggles of staying away from it.In one of my trips to jail I saw girls that were on it,and would sit and pick the sores off of them,eating them,thinking it would get them high again.Or trying to buy the urine of someone they knew did it,so they could drink it.Again thinking they would get high.The bitter truth is it destroys your body in ways unimaginable.It eats from the inside out leaving your body in one big sore.I thank God everyday that I was NOT one of those that got that bad,but I did have friends that were.YES,I said WERE!!!
im 15 years old and i do it its the best high ive ever had. i was a big drinker at the begining of the year(my father is an alcohlic) and i used to be a big pot head. i hated the way weed made me feel everyone else said it made them happy and relaxed when all it did to me was make me hate myself and i would get so caught up in the deep thoughts that i would confuse myself and its like i didnt know who i was the most empty feeling ive ever had. i figured it was do to my ADHD that i didnt feel everone elses high it was like every drug i tried had a different effect on me than others i had been diagnosed with adhd when i was younger the days when i didnt care about weight loss or paying attention in school i just wanted to be my goofy self i got prescribed 100mg or so adderol its the only miligram that would last me all throughout school but i hated it then i lost twenty pounds i was llike a zombie all i wanted was to sit and stare out the window though i was making a’s in school i begged my mom to let me stop taking it. this was all before seventh grade i moved to a new school at the last week of sixth grade and my mom had just had my little brother who was born with downs syndrom. i was so depressed because i had experienced alot in the past months and from then on its like i go to another funeral every month everyone i knew was dying and it hasnt stopped since actually its gotten worse and weird thing is i dont live in a big city at all the population where i live is about 500 or so. anyway the first thing i tried was freon at 12 like out of the air conditioner i did that for about three months until i threw up for about 3 hours then it was weed i tried it for my friends 14 birthday. she had been smoking weed since she was eleven b/c her mom and big bro do. then on my fiveteenth birthday i tried alcohol and realized i really did HATE weed it was the worst times in my life me and my hugely christian mother fought alllll the time and i hated it alcohol tho she couldnt really say much about because my father….its all ive ever known….the day i was born i went to my cousins birthday party were there was drinkin. this year i started taking adderol again and noticed i lost weight and wasnt depressed or zombiefyed anymore but the only thing wass…was that i havent had insurance since forever and i cant get it prescribed yet. so i had to by three for one day of school b/c everyone elses miligram was SOOOO much lower than mine and my friend said as much money as i was spending on that i could just get ice (meth)so i tried it and loved it i dont do anything but it and of course squares(cigs for all you old people) and i absolutely love it im makin good grades in school im geting along perfectly with my parents all my friends and the guys are telling me im gorgeous(but still hold the v card,,i have a little respct for myself ha) and losing so much weight plus all the new people im meeting plus i also dont forget what im saying every five seconds. something as simple as i am thirsty when i smoked weed would sound like i uhh i uhhh hold up i am uhhh uhhh ….. you get the pic its like when i did that the side efecct of being stupid was twenty times worse then everybody else.. i know if i continue using ice itll get so much worse the only bad thing right now is that sometimes when im fucked up i have to make myself eat dinner so my mom wont think anything and of course as some of you may know that isnt the best idea i stay in the bathroom for about an hour….://…and the worst thing is that if im not on it i pig out!!!! and chain smoke to try to get using off my mind but i dont believe that as long as i stay true to god and keep him in mind i dont steal from my mom or kill people i treat my mom 3 times better than before so i dont believe i could go to hell unless its the doing something illegal part or the harming my body but shit squares are just as bad and i would do those even if i didnt do ice so comment on what youve read and tell me what you think about my situation please…&&thanks life is hard no matter wht you do just remember to remember who you are and dont do anything you may regret expecially if your high.;p