So, I know I’m totally going to give you the idea that all my kids do is watch TV, and this is completely one hundred percent not true.
However, the TV they do watch gives me something to write about, so here it is.
Forget Lazytown (as though I could forget it—it’s my single most popular entry ever)—Sophia got bored with Lazytown because it’s been the same five episodes in rotation for the past two months. The show to watch is The Backyardigans. How much do I love this show? I am tempted to watch it when the kids aren’t around. I sing the songs as I do the dishes. There are only nine episodes so far and I have all nine on our TiVo. I force people just visiting our house to watch some of this show.
I love this show.
Tyrone, Tasha, Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin
The Backyardigans is a show about five friends—Tyrone the moose, Tasha the hippo, Pablo the penguin, Uniqua the ladybug, and Austin the kangaroo (actually, I’m not sure what Austin is, and he’s the Backyardigan we see the least of anyhow)—who get together every day and have some theme to their play: ghosts, Tarzan, knights and quests, Mounties, Vikings. They all take roles in their adventure that pretty well fit with their personalities. At the end, they repair to one kid’s house for snacktime.
In between, there’s singing, dancing, and general silliness. What’s extremely excellent about this show is that there’s stuff in there for grownups that’s not sneaky or salacious: it’s just on a level most kids aren’t going to find funny in the same way. For example, three Backyardigans are chasing the Yeti across the North Pole:
TASHA We need kayaks to cross this water. They suddenly spy three KAYAKS on the bank of the river. TYRONE Well, that certainly is convenient.
That line cracks me up everytime.
The songs in this show are incredibly memorable. While doing the dishes I like to sing the songs the Vikings sing as their Viking ship rounds a very powerful whirlpool, “You’ve Got To Hold On Tight”:
You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight with all your Viking might.
Darin’s favorite bit is when they sing a limbo while trying to avoid the laser beams during a super-secret spy mission.
This show has reignited my love of musicals, which has been dormant for some time. (My insistence on musical-only writing music has been helped by the fact that I dug out our CD collection and ripped about 150 of them recently. Of course, I can’t find the one I’m looking for, Linie 1. Sigh.) I want to write a children’s musical, I’m so inspired by this show.
Anyhow: The Backyardigans is on Nick Jr. I highly recommend checking it out.
(Tyrone the moose is my favorite, by the way. In case you’re wondering.)
Update 2/16/05: Wow, lots of comments here! This entry is listed pretty high on Google when you search for “The Backyardigans” so I’m going to assume someone from Nick Jr. has found it. (Hi there! More Backyardigans episodes, please!)
A number of people have posted asking about Backyardigans-themed birthday supplies and other merchandise. As far as I’ve been able to find on the Web, there isn’t any! It might not be licensed yet or might not have gotten to stories yet. All I can say is: Hurry it up! You’ve got lots of customers waiting. If anyone does know of legit Backyardigans stuff, let me know and I’ll put it on this page.
I found a number of Backyardigans songs on LimeWire. I don’t know where they’re from, since a few things tell me they’re not recorded right off of the show. If the production company wanted to put out a CD with each and every song from the show on it, they’d have a bestseller. I think there are plenty of parents out there who wouldn’t mind putting that music on for their kids, and I’d rather pay royalties to the songmakers!
Evidently a new bunch of episodes will start airing in a week or two. I can’t wait…and I think the kids are excited too. All I can say is, keep ’em coming! More! More!
Update 8/11/05: The Backyardigans’ eponymously named CD is now out! The Backyardigans has 19 great songs on it, although it doesn’t include my personal favorite, “You’ve got to hold on tight.” I had downloaded some of these songs from Limewire, but I’m much, much happier having the actual CD in my hot little hand now.
Update 1/28/06: Wow. This entry has 747 comments!
There are a couple of Backyardigan DVDs out now, which means you don’t have to keep every episode on your TiVo any more.
The Snow Fort: Contains “The Snow Fort”, “The Yeti”, “Knights Are Brave and Strong”, and “Secret Mission”.
It’s Great To Be A Ghost: Contains “It’s Great To Be A Ghost”, “Monster Detectives”, “Key to the Nile”, and “Pirate Adventure”.
Polka Palace Party: Contains “Polka Palace Party”, “Heart of the Jungle”, “Viking Voyage”, and one I haven’t seen before — having tea in the Gobi desert. (Maybe it hasn’t aired yet?)
Update 1/05/09: Yowsa. I am amazed at how lively this entry still is!
In response to many (many, many) comments on here: I came up with the idea that Uniqua is a ladybug from my then-4-year-old (who’s now about to be 9, but still loves the Backyardigans). I’m in complete agreement with everyone who says that Uniqua is just that: unique. I wasn’t paying a whole bunch of attention at the time, and I went with my 4-year-old’s assessment of Uniqua’s identity, ‘kay?
I love the backyardgians i still haven’t seen all the episodes. two more to go. I love the tea party episode because its the funniest episode. My favorite character is Tasha, Uniqua an Pablo because there cool
I have a one year old.
I have already started planning way ahead and keeping my eyes open to what cartoons are out there.
I found the Backyardigans and also fell in love with the Show and it’s music. The funny thing is that then I found out that “They might be giants” do the music.
I’ve always liked them.
I don’t have Cable anymore but hope they make more shows.
I plan on buying the dvd for future use with my little one.
Does anybody know where the song what shall we do with a scruvy pirate? I would love to have the lyrics and the songs and also more merchandise please please
my husband saw an episode of The Backyarigans on one of his baby-sitting days. my son Kevin loves it, and so do we. the music and the dancing keeps the whole family entertained. we’re usually at work during its showtime but we record each episode and play it at home at night and on my days off. my son watches the lullaby sung to tasha,(the mermaid) every night before he goes to bed. sometimes i keep the taped show going and he would sit still and i’ll get some things done in the house. it’s a keeper! we can’t wait to see more shows and related products kids to enjoy. keep it coming!!!
I am 34 and LOVE the Backyardigans!!! At least I have a 4yo and an almost 2yo to use as an excuse to watch it! My daughter goes on “adventures” with Austin and Tasha. She also loves to sing and dance with the show. Her favorite song is “I love being a Princess.” I love “Surfs up!”. OK NICK Jr….ready for more!!!!!!!
to all you backyardigans fans I went on line to and it says that the backyardigans cd will be out on or a little bit after 10/31/05 so hang in there its coming
I love the backyardigans. They sound so cute when they sing. I love the songs especially the moster detective rules song and the its great to be a ghost song. I hope there is going to be more episodes even thoguh i haven’t seen two of the twenty yet.
Is there any Backyardigan’s party supplies or knick-knacks? I think they are so cute.
Oh my, I am glad other families love this show also. My daughter is 18 months old and she sings and dances the whole time the show is on. I really hope Nick.Jr comes up with decorations and everything like Blue’s Clues and Dora the Explorer. They would make a fortune off of my family alone.
I absolutely love this show. For a kid’s show, it is probably one of the few that I can watch without feeling like I want to run out of the room. The songs are catchy as well as the dance moves, which are hilarious for computer animation. I also love the comraderie of the characters, they get along very well.
We love the backyardigans at our house it is the only show that my 12 month old son will watch, I need to find some video’s, DVD,s or something. I don’t have tivo. I just noticed this show a few saturdays ago and now I see it’s on daily. I will remember to start taping it. I hope soon they will put this show on DVD. Thanks for this site.
I found the easiest way to figure out the lyrics of any song… merely toggle the “closed caption” option on either your TV or VCR; and the words automatically pop up on the bottom of the screen!
Where can i find a video of the backyardigans?!
My two year old grandson loves the the part advertised on Dora about them and I would love to buy the video or “s”
thank you
I think that they should have a music book with a lot of backyardigan songs so we can play the songs on the piano or something. Does anyone know if theres a music book or CD for the backyardigans?????
OK, I’m 36 years old, and I am HOOKED on The Backyardigans! My girlfriend makes fun of me because of this (she’s a fan too, but picks on me whenever she gets the opportunity hehe). The music/lyrics are great; the dancing is great; the story lines are great; the whole show is…in a word…Great!! The characters are so adorable, I can’t stand it! It’s nice to know that I’m not the only ‘adult’ here that appreciates it!
Love em, where can you get DVD’s?
Ummmm… I love the backyardigans as much as the next person but…
Uniqua IS NOT a ladybug
she is in fact unique.
Haha me n mah friend brittany..( 14 year olds graduating) were the only ones in our grade to like watch this show. we thought we were soo dumb.. but now were even learning the lyrics to the theme song.. we are soo in love wit this show… were such
yes, i have a 15 month old and he loves watching this cartoon. i tried finding it on dvd so he can watch them all the time. i was wondering why do they not come on more than once a day and why they do not come on the weekends. if i was able to get every espisode on dvd i would buy them from the store.
I’m 16. I absolutely positively LOVE the Backyardigans.I remember the first time I saw it. I was watching t.v with the 2 yr baby my mom babysits.We both loved it from that point on. It was the beginning of the show and all the pretty colors and the adorable little characters dancing and the music it all made us get addicted. Now My brother and Me and my mom, we all watch Backyardigans. We LOVE it. Even people who used to make fun of us about it have gotten hooked on it and now they LOVE it too!!
People who created The Backyardigans- YOU ROCK!!!
My little girl is 18 months and she will sit and watch this show all day. We have all of them on Tivo and taped on vhs so she can watch in her room. I loved the show just as much as she does. We make everyone who comes over watch it to. Let me know when they get legit merchandise
I also love this show. My 3yr old walks around pretending to by Tasha in “The secret of the Nile.” I realy need party supplies too.
I am a 73 yr old grandfather, and I watch this program (Backyardigans) with my grandchildren. It is absolutely the best cartoon series I have ever watched in my life.
The music is fantastic, the plots are realistic but very funny, and I highly recommend it to anyone at any age.
Most enjoyable….dont ever stop making this cartoon……and THANKS.
My one-year-old loves the Backyardigans. It is the only children’s show that will catch his attention span. I’m 36 years old and I love it!The characters are so adorable and innocent. There are no hidden innuendoes and agenda. It’s just a good ole’ wholesome children’s cartoon show, that reminds me of the era in which I grew up in. I would love to purchase merchandise, like toys, games, etc., etc. However, the only thing I can find are episodes on dvd.
I recorded every song from each episode. The songs are in Windows Media (.wma) format. I put all the songs from each episode into a ZIP file and labeled it with the episode name. Each ZIP file is 3MB – 5MB.
Go to
Username: backyardigan_fan
Password: uniqua
Once you are in the mailbox, you will see the episode names. Open the message you want and forward it to yourself.
I’m sure it won’t be long before someone deletes a file or causes some other damage, so get them while you can.
I won’t ever check the email for that address, so it won’t do any good to send it to me.
Good Luck!
Hey Backyardigan Fans!
I just wanted to let you know that you can get a home made DVD from this website (they are recorded episodes from the television)… Just copy and paste this url into your web browser and you will be brought to the order page:
I ordered one for my children and one for my nephew! It’s awesome. there are 10 episodes on it and it’s very well done… for 7 dollars US funds and no shipping fee you can’t go wrong! it’s great!
here is a brief description of the 10 episodes on this DVD
1. It’s Great to Be a Ghost
Pablo, Tyrone and Uniqua are ghosts, and they’ve found the perfect old house to haunt. To the sound of Cab Calloway-style 1920s jazz, they practice floating, booing and other scary stuff. When an unsuspecting stranger (Tasha) shows up, they put their scaring skills to the test.
2. Knights Are Brave and Strong
It’s a knight’s tale, set to the sound of big-band swing. Queen Tasha sends Uniqua, the brave pink messenger, through the misty forest to bring a message to King Austin in his castle on the other side. If Uniqua can make it past the Moose of the Mists (Tyrone) and the Guardian of the Gate (Pablo), maybe she’ll become a knight!
3. Pirate Treasure
X marks the spot on this reggae-style pirate adventure. In two pirate teams, the kids sail the high seas in search of treasure. Who will find it first? And who will walk the plank?
4. Riding the Range
Lonesome cowboy Tyrone rides for Texas, headed for a hip-hop hoedown. Uniqua, Pablo and Austin search the Western desert for a thievin’ bandit who steals cattle and horses… and maybe even jump ropes.
5. Secret Mission
Pablo, Tyrone and Uniqua are secret agents sneaking through the Treasure Museum. Tango music propels them through secret passageways, booby traps and laser-beam security. Can they return the secret treasure to its rightful owner without getting caught?
6. The Snow Fort
Tyrone and Pablo are Mounties, defending their snow fort in the rugged Yukon. Uniqua and Tasha are fearless ski patrollers, looking for someone to save from peril. When they meet up, snowy confusion ensues to the sound of bouncy Western swing music.
7. The Heart of the Jungle
Tyrone is Tarzan… and so are Pablo and Austin! Each Tarzan has a different jungle skill, and they use them all to help brilliant scientist Uniqua. Their quest, set to a Gilbert and Sullivan-style operetta, is to help tiny Sherman the Worman find his jungle home. Will they succeed? Or will the treacherous jungle force them to bug off?
8. The Key to the Nile
Tasha is princess of Egypt, and Tyrone, Pablo and Austin are her servants. Only the princess can end Egypt’s horrible drought by bringing three precious gifts to the sphinx, Uniqua. Will the princess finally unlock the Nile waters? Broadway-style musical numbers ring through the desert in this Egyptian adventure.
9. The Yeti
Pablo announces that he is the Yeti — a hairy, smelly creature of the frozen north, who likes to eat raisins and give snow-bellies. (He also likes to get funky to some James Brown-style R&B.) He leads Uniqua, Tasha and Tyrone on a Yeti-chase all the way to his igloo in the frozen north.
10. Viking Voyage
Rockabilly music meets medieval Nordic exploration! Pablo, Tyrone and Uniqua are Vikings on the high seas. In search of new lands, they run into wild weather and a mermaid (Tasha with a tail) who blocks their way. Will they discover new territory? And if they do, what will they name it?
Enjoy Everyone!
I have 18 backyardigan episodes on video because tape all the ones i see. I gave some videos away to other people. Me and my brothers and sisters love this show.
gabby and i look at the backyardgang every monday and tuesday morning on nick jr. she also loves dora and the rest of the shows on nick. she is only 22 months old and also sings and dances with the little ones on the shows. she sits on my lap and watches the videos on nick jr. on the internet .
Hey I love that show my cusin got me to watch it and she is 14 and Im 12 it is sefinitly a show for all ages and my fav is pablo and the songs are really catchy too my fav episode is the one about the yedi
i love them so much, i think more than my 3 year old. the songs jam, the stories are cool. i wish they would hurry up and market there stuff especially for video now jr.
hurry up nick jr, we are all waiting
alrite, i absolutely LOVE this show. i think the yeti episode is the BEST! my daughter loves the show, but not as much as me. anyways, everyone who loves em should check out the Nick Jr. website, cuz they show some of their videos. it’s great! oh, how having a kid changes u!
It’s hard for me to believe but being a huge fan of shows like “Family Guy” and “South Park,” I really don’t enjoy any cartoons of today other than two….Spongebob Squarepants…..and you guessed it…Backyardigans. Its so cute and can get a chuckle or two out of me whenever I watch it. Great show for kids and is even cool to watch for older kids and parents if their at home……hell of a lot better than watching Maury, Springer, Talk Shows, or that Soap Opera crap in the morning and early noon hours.
Pablo is my favorite with Uniqua as close second.
I am so excited I just found this… Looks like they go on Sale in August!
The Backyardigans: It’s Great To Be A Ghost! [DVD] Now Accepting Advance Orders!
Includes “It’s Great to Be a Ghost!” and “Monster Detective.” 50 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital stereo; featurette; biographies; music video; bonus episodes “The Key to the Nile,” “Pirate Treasure.”
Category: Family / Animation
Available: 08/30/05 Color
If this has already been posted sorry about the repeat 🙂
My 9 month old and I just recently started watching the backyardigans… She used to love Elmo but, the backyardigans is her new favorite! I must admit I love the show myself. I find myself singing the theme song all day long! People look at me like I’m crazy– Even my daughter! She gets a silly smile on her face and laughs at me. All I can say is I hope the party supplies are avalible for her 1st birthday in September… All her friends have had Elmo birthdays and I really don’t want to use that theme again!!! Let me know if anyone finds some!
Do we all really think that uniqua is a lady bug? I thought she was some kind of little alien or something, but a ladybug?????
Why is it that some people can only find eight episodes while others have eighteen?
I love the backyardigans. Maybe, more than my child. They are always singing and dancing. THEY ARE OUR FAVORITE!!!!!!
HI Just writin 2 say that I absolutely loooove the backyardigans! My fav is Austin becoz hes the cutest of them all, especially with his little tail and his big ears and his big feet… CUTECUTE!!!!! My fav episode would have to be the Castaways, with AUSTIN, pablo, uniqua and tyrone. I don NOT like Tasha. She’s too bossy. 🙁
Anyway, I also like surfs up (With Austin) And race around the world (With Austin) and… Ridin the range and it’s great to be a ghost. I haven’t seen the yeti yet, but its sposed to be really good. Keep those comments comin- especially all yous Austin fans!
Ps) I’m only 14!!!!!
PPs) Austin is so cute. In race around the world, when they say ready set go, he bends over and his tail sticks upin the air. And on… the pirate one, he’s really cute in that one, where we like, walks the plank backwards. How cute would it be if he tripped over his own tail!
I’m going now! 🙂 🙂 🙂
luv Tam
I love the backyardigans.Austin’s face looks messed up. I like Tasha the best.I used to like south park but now theres always repeats so i like backyardigans the most.
I just wanted to say that my husband and I watch The Backyardigans when our one year old isnt even in the room. I wish they would come out with them on DVD. Im afraid that they are going to quit having the show and my future children will miss out on the best show ever.
Austin’s ugly. Tasha is the best. I like the tea party episode when they were singing the zip zip zip from tree to tree song. I like Tasha, Pablo and Uniqua.
Oh yes, we are Backyardigan fans here…I love them all, but Uniqua the Pink has to be my favorite! (I think that is the knight episode). I am 33, my son is 2…and I really do enjoy it more than he does! 🙂
one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later! one of my best friends, malory, and i, were searching through channels one day, and we just started watching the show! we love it! i would like to buy the whole 1st saeson on dvd, and i was wondering where to find it. PLEASE HELP ME..we got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now its time for us to get a snack, meet you next time when we’re baack..with your friends the backyardigansssss see ya later!
I was always pretty sure that we weren’t supposed to know what kind of animal Uniqua was. I thought that was the point of her name..she was unique!
The Backyardigans have taken my family by storm!
Did everyone see the press release about the new episode that coincides with the release of their first CD?
Also, after just a little research, I’ve found that music supervisor Evan Lurie has been Dubway Studios in New York since late January, recording songs & soundtrack material for what will be a full season of new episodes! So, to all of you who worried about cancellation, take heart: we’ve got a full year to look forward to! YAAAHHH!
I love this show! I would watch it without my kids! I always let my 3 kids know,before they do, when it is coming on! We all dance around singing the songs, I know the words better than they do!
what I love about the show is, it reminds me of when my sister & I used to play dress-up and pretend, even when we didn’t have a backyard.
I also love how all the characters, use each others ideas to create a wonderful adventure!
Their lesson is simple, how to get from the idea while having a lot of fun to the end-snack time.
They listen to each other and show you could have a lot of fun without electronic stuff!
I printed the songs from the website for my kids and they were singing them and remembering each show.
I’m very happy to hear they have been renewed, because these friends can do alot for our TV kids!
I have an 8 month old daughter and ever since she could recognize things and turn to them(about 4 months) she has loved this show. We have it on DVR as well and at nights when she would wake sleepless and cry we could turn on the show and she would automatically stop and watch. WOW! She still loves it as all of my other children do and there ages are 13,12,10,8, and 5. That is a big range of ages for such a great childrens show. I have to admit that I love it too. I sure hope that they come out with the birthday stuff before Oct for my daughters 1st b-day. If anyone hears anything about it please let me know. Thanks!