So, I know I’m totally going to give you the idea that all my kids do is watch TV, and this is completely one hundred percent not true.
However, the TV they do watch gives me something to write about, so here it is.
Forget Lazytown (as though I could forget it—it’s my single most popular entry ever)—Sophia got bored with Lazytown because it’s been the same five episodes in rotation for the past two months. The show to watch is The Backyardigans. How much do I love this show? I am tempted to watch it when the kids aren’t around. I sing the songs as I do the dishes. There are only nine episodes so far and I have all nine on our TiVo. I force people just visiting our house to watch some of this show.
I love this show.
Tyrone, Tasha, Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin
The Backyardigans is a show about five friends—Tyrone the moose, Tasha the hippo, Pablo the penguin, Uniqua the ladybug, and Austin the kangaroo (actually, I’m not sure what Austin is, and he’s the Backyardigan we see the least of anyhow)—who get together every day and have some theme to their play: ghosts, Tarzan, knights and quests, Mounties, Vikings. They all take roles in their adventure that pretty well fit with their personalities. At the end, they repair to one kid’s house for snacktime.
In between, there’s singing, dancing, and general silliness. What’s extremely excellent about this show is that there’s stuff in there for grownups that’s not sneaky or salacious: it’s just on a level most kids aren’t going to find funny in the same way. For example, three Backyardigans are chasing the Yeti across the North Pole:
TASHA We need kayaks to cross this water. They suddenly spy three KAYAKS on the bank of the river. TYRONE Well, that certainly is convenient.
That line cracks me up everytime.
The songs in this show are incredibly memorable. While doing the dishes I like to sing the songs the Vikings sing as their Viking ship rounds a very powerful whirlpool, “You’ve Got To Hold On Tight”:
You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight with all your Viking might.
Darin’s favorite bit is when they sing a limbo while trying to avoid the laser beams during a super-secret spy mission.
This show has reignited my love of musicals, which has been dormant for some time. (My insistence on musical-only writing music has been helped by the fact that I dug out our CD collection and ripped about 150 of them recently. Of course, I can’t find the one I’m looking for, Linie 1. Sigh.) I want to write a children’s musical, I’m so inspired by this show.
Anyhow: The Backyardigans is on Nick Jr. I highly recommend checking it out.
(Tyrone the moose is my favorite, by the way. In case you’re wondering.)
Update 2/16/05: Wow, lots of comments here! This entry is listed pretty high on Google when you search for “The Backyardigans” so I’m going to assume someone from Nick Jr. has found it. (Hi there! More Backyardigans episodes, please!)
A number of people have posted asking about Backyardigans-themed birthday supplies and other merchandise. As far as I’ve been able to find on the Web, there isn’t any! It might not be licensed yet or might not have gotten to stories yet. All I can say is: Hurry it up! You’ve got lots of customers waiting. If anyone does know of legit Backyardigans stuff, let me know and I’ll put it on this page.
I found a number of Backyardigans songs on LimeWire. I don’t know where they’re from, since a few things tell me they’re not recorded right off of the show. If the production company wanted to put out a CD with each and every song from the show on it, they’d have a bestseller. I think there are plenty of parents out there who wouldn’t mind putting that music on for their kids, and I’d rather pay royalties to the songmakers!
Evidently a new bunch of episodes will start airing in a week or two. I can’t wait…and I think the kids are excited too. All I can say is, keep ’em coming! More! More!
Update 8/11/05: The Backyardigans’ eponymously named CD is now out! The Backyardigans has 19 great songs on it, although it doesn’t include my personal favorite, “You’ve got to hold on tight.” I had downloaded some of these songs from Limewire, but I’m much, much happier having the actual CD in my hot little hand now.
Update 1/28/06: Wow. This entry has 747 comments!
There are a couple of Backyardigan DVDs out now, which means you don’t have to keep every episode on your TiVo any more.
The Snow Fort: Contains “The Snow Fort”, “The Yeti”, “Knights Are Brave and Strong”, and “Secret Mission”.
It’s Great To Be A Ghost: Contains “It’s Great To Be A Ghost”, “Monster Detectives”, “Key to the Nile”, and “Pirate Adventure”.
Polka Palace Party: Contains “Polka Palace Party”, “Heart of the Jungle”, “Viking Voyage”, and one I haven’t seen before — having tea in the Gobi desert. (Maybe it hasn’t aired yet?)
Update 1/05/09: Yowsa. I am amazed at how lively this entry still is!
In response to many (many, many) comments on here: I came up with the idea that Uniqua is a ladybug from my then-4-year-old (who’s now about to be 9, but still loves the Backyardigans). I’m in complete agreement with everyone who says that Uniqua is just that: unique. I wasn’t paying a whole bunch of attention at the time, and I went with my 4-year-old’s assessment of Uniqua’s identity, ‘kay?
I love this show! I have started watching it even when my daughter wasn’t and ALL the shows have taken up room on our TiVo.
My favorite episode is the Viking Voyage with Tasha’s mermaid lullaby, and the Scurvy Pirate song. I end up singing it even when I’m out with friends! Good thing they all have kids too and know what I’m talking about.
It’s a great break from Dora and Diego. Loving the Backyardigans!
My son is only 5 months old and he LOVES hearing their theme song and watching the characters dance and sing. This is by far the only show that will catch his attention when he’s cranky, so we are always rewinding the show back to the beginning where they sing the theme song!
Does anybody here know where i can buy backyardigans clothes for his age? i notice they only have ones for 2T and up?
My son is almost one and is facinated with the Backyardigans. While looking for the singing dancing pablo for his birthday, I found all of the backyardigans bedding, dolls, movies, music, and party supplies at Just thought I would let everyone know.
Here is the website that will give you all the info you need about the backyardigan.;cast
Hi! I just read your article and believe me, I loved it. I feel exactly the same way. When I have people over at my place I put the show on. The best one for me is the one where they play to be ghosts. I cracked everytime they go: BOOOOO, and who ever gets scared goes: AAAHHHH
My three year old daughter loves everything about them. She already knows almost every song in the book. I, myself enjoy watching her get up and dance and jump around to the catchy tunes,and my one year old son cant get enough of them either. As a matter of fact hes being fussy so I think I’ll play one right now.
my son’s 1st birthday is in 1 1/2 months and my husband and I decided that he’ll have a backyardigans theme party because along to blue’s clues & sesame street they are the only ones that can have his atention for more than 20 minutes (He’s so hyper!!!!) anyway we have found everything we need either on Party city or but I still haven’t found a cake can someone help mewith that I just need a link or address!!!!!!! it would be awesome….
his favorite character is Tyrone and mine are Pablo and uniqua 🙂 LOL
I know I might be a bit to old for the backyardagins because I’m 10,but I say your never too old for a t.v show after all it is just on t.v. My favourite charecter is Pablo!In fact I have a little stuffed animal of him it’s soooooo cute because I dress him up in little cloths and stuff!
Thank you so much for saying what all the charecters are because my friend and me thaut that unikwa was a ant at first until I found your artikle.
Thanks again for insipering me not to give up on likeing these guys because people think I’m to old!
From a Backyardagin fan!
The comment before mine is from a 10 year old who is “too old” for Backyardigans. No! Never too old! My little one is napping, my big kid is at school, and I’m letting the Backyardigans play on in the background even though there’s no kids around. I also use the “Dun-dun-dunh!” sound from the secret mission episode in my elementary classroom all the time. Too old? Heck, no! I’m 39, and I’m not too old, so how could you be? Watch it all you want (just don’t tell you’re friends…tee, hee…they’ll be sure to tease you, then will watch it themselves when they get home…secretly, of course!).
i have entered and sent a query here before but I can’t seem to find myself, hmmm… I wonder what I can do. But I must say I am in love with the backyardagins! me and my friend have created a fan club. It rules, first we give the submiter a test to see how much he/she knows about the show, then we check to see what possition they qualify for.
OHLA… soy LUIS tengo 19 años y amo LOS BACKYARDIGANS!!!!! soy adicto desde que los vi por primera vez graciaas a mi sobrina de 2 años q linda !!!
backyardigans los mejores numero 1,,,,, me encantan y la song theme magnifica PABLO es mi preferido
Why are the backyardigins no longer on Nick Jr on demaned
i have a 4 year old and a 1 year old my 4 year old has been watching the backyardagains for a while now but a couple months ago i was claening and he was watching them and my daughter who is 1 went into his room and started watching them now they never miss an epiosod and that is the only cartoon that she will actully sit and watch the whole way through
hey my name is Braden and my sister loves the backyardigans! but it makes me sad because i cant find the one episode we want! its about making pie like a samauri ?? or so ive heard… if you could contact me at my e-mail i would love it! thank you – Braden
p.s. Awesome page!
p.s. My favorite Backyardigan is defenitely Uniqua the ladybug!!
Hey Braden Again just wanted to say that whoever likes Backyardigans will defenitely like “Wake up with Noddy”!!
i’m interested in making a photocake for my daughters 1st birthday in may.. and i was wondering if you know of any good sites that have backyardigan clip art…
Hi we love the backyardigans too they rule i just want to let you know Uniqua is not a lady bug shes an alien
Uh, oh – say it isn’t so – maybe Uniqua is simply to unique to be labeled?
Hi. I am trying to figure out a lyric that Pablo sings during the Mysterious, Very Mysterious song, right before he opend the door and makes the spying butler (Tyrone) fall in he says ” I have been detecting…” there is one or two words right after he says that that I just can’t get. any help? my 16 month old will stop anything he is doing to watch this show
shoulda mentioned the above post refers to the WHODUNIT episode
Hola somos una familia argentina traidicional y con mi hijo pequeño todas las tardes vemos este programa. El es muy pequeño aun pero se rei y baila cada vez que escucha la melodia del programa; se le llenan de emoción los ojitos. Me gustaria adquirir uno de los muñecos pero en mi pais creo que aun no han llegado. Pero me gustaria saber si en jugueterias como Toys’r’us puedo encontrarlos.- Saludos Lorena
I am 35 years and I love the Backyardagins. I work in industrial construction at an oil refinery. My 4 year old son watches it on the days that I’m not home and tells me all about. I have a reputation for being somewhat of a Red Neck and the guys I work with gave me a hard time at first, but recently started watching it as well. Some don’t even have kids. My wife thinks I’m crazy.
You all should see my daughter (6 months), nephew (8 months) and niece (2 yo) while they watch the Backyardigans… They get so excited that they scream, jump, dance, laugh!!. They love it and me too!.
Hello I have almost all the song of the backyardigans if you want some just email me at
My daughter about to turn 3 and my son who’s 16 months, love the Backyardigans. My husband and I watch it to and listen to the music in the car. I wish they would have more episodes. Also if anyone can help with ideas – my daughter’s birthday party theme is – the Backyardigan’s. Any ideas would be very much appreciated! Our favorite episode is Special Delivery!
This message is for Braden from Feb. 24 – if you’re still looking for Samauri Pie – if you buy Mission to Mars DVD, the episode is on it. That’s my husband’s favorite. Enjoy! Hi-Ya!
I AM TURNiiNG 16 iiN JULY…AND ii AM BACKYARDiiGANS BIGG3ST FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ii WATCH iiT EVERY CHANC3 ii G3T! MY ALL TiiM3 FAVORiiT3 SHOW!!!!!!
Like O MY GAWD. My 8 kids ranging from 1-8 love this show and I’m sure that the next one will as well. I’m due September 11. Thanks for asking. All my babydaddies love those cute little buggers too. Thanks for a Great show. Keep reprisentin for all us minority in da hood. It’s tight to see a brother escape the prison of his backyard and take a trip. I love Pablos’ Tiki bling. Keep it real YO.
why do you keep showing the same cartoon over and over
my son just loves them but he just gets bord every time you play them over and over ……
I love the backyardigans. My absolutely favorite song on that show is the Madusa one when they are playing freeze tag.
By the way please check out this new backyardigans site:
It’s a webbie for the backyardigans guild on neopets.
Sorry I typed down the site wrong. It’s
instead of
i love them too. oh, and so does my three year old and 11month old twin girls. i do wish they had new episodes though. i would also like to know who the children are who does the voice over. two of them sound like the brothers from the Naked Brothers Band.
For those of you who were asking…
There is a list of lyrics (and coloring pages) for many of the songs…to be found on this site…
i love the backyardigansssss, they aree amazing!!! ♥
The Backyardigans rock more than any other kid show in my opinion. So far the most newest episodes I’ve seen are “The Best Clowns in Town” and “save the day”. The rest of my family dosn’t watch it because they are all a little old for it. I am 15 years old so I am a little too old for it too. I kinda wish the backyardigans wasn’t a kids show so I don’t have to be embarassed about watching it.
My favorite episode is Eureka because I like the packmule, clementine. All the characters are amazing too. I first became interested in the backyardigans when I saw a preview for it on tv and I knew I would like that show because it had songs in it.
I think Tasha and Pablo are the best singers on the show (not counting that Alicia key’s person on the mission to mars episode) so they should have more songs together like the badbots one.
Thanks for reading all this if you did.
I am a big fan of this show. Please check out this backyardigan fansite.
I love this show…apparently so does everyone else. I’m planning a birthday party for my son, who will be two. I want to make my own invitations, but I’m having trouble finding good clip art. Does anyone know where I can get some? My email is
I just found this great website. My youngest daughter is turning two and she loves the Backyardigans! (So does my
6 1/2 year old daughter and 4 year old son) We’re are having a
“P-awbos” (Pablo) P-izza Birthday P-arty! (I just love the way she says Pablo!)
I haven’t read everyones comments, but Oriental Trading has good prices on Backyardigans Birthday Party materials.
I too am making my own invitations using my Cricut Machine ( and I too could not find any clipart, so I printed out multiple copies of the finger puppet character on When I get done with a copy I’ll post a picture of it!
Once again, awesome site!
i love pablo hes filppin adorable and i love the pirate episode where the yare like if you wanna be a pirate say “arrrr” hahah
I believe someone wanted to know the name of the people who do the voices. Look on and search “The Backyardigans”
I have recently found the party suppplies now @ and also Card and Party Factory. They have all of the supplies you would need. I wish I could have had found them back in Jan. for my niece but we couldn’t not until now for my goddaughter so everyone go to those sites and you’ll see our little friends. OH yeah too Wal-Mart carries some of the toys too.
oh my god i just love the backyardigans, it all started the other day in the easter holidays and i was flicking through the channels and found nick junior with dancing cuties, i ADORE them!
I love the intro song and all to! What I really would like to know is what is the blue penguin like ones name is it ostin?
Anyway gotta go now to find out moore about this inpecible show
bye and keep watching cause i will xxxxxxxxxxxx
I am 13 years old but love da show i have merchandise too!
Hey my name is megan and im trying to find somewhere to buy a backyardigans birthdaycake and cant find anywhere……or even just the decorations to go on a cake……..if anyone knows of any please let me know
the cake is for my nephew his birthday is may10…..but i need to put the cake order in as soon as possible…..
My 2 year old daughter loves the Backyardigans, especially Uniqua and Pablo. When the show is on it gives me time to spend with my 2 month old son. The show is a life saver. BUT if she doesn’t get to watch it she’d not happy for the rest of the day.
hi. my baby brother LOVES the Backyardigans! he could sit and watch it for hours and hours. he doesn’t like ANY other show as much as the Backyardigans. My fav. personally is Tasha, and his is Pablo. How in the world did you know what Uniqua was? She looks like a giant ant or something. What is your fav. episode. mine is “Movers of Arabia”
i think the lyrics for “float flutter fly” are actually the most simple out of the song’s from backyardigans
“Float, Flutter, Fly
O rock O rock on hil top high
Float , Flutter, Fly”
then just start from the top and repeat as many times as its in your head.
though i think everyone else around me is getting annoyed with how much i sing/hum/whistle just that one song around them
I’ve always enjoyed watching the Backyardigans, as their stories are very creative, there are some jokes in them, but what’s really great are the songs. I got 51 of them from that radio website and put them on my mp3 player. I listen to those songs and write down their lyrics. The real problem is that my very favorite songs are those included in “Race around the World”, “Horsin’ Around”, “The Swamp Creature”, and “The Secret of Snow”, but these songs are not included in the radio playlist.
I have a 5 year old sister, and she’s the one that got me watching the Backyardigans, as she was the first one watching it. She used to force me to stay and watch, and now, I’m the one that’s going crazy about that show. Later, when I visit these websites, tons of people age 13+ say they love the show too! Sometimes I doubt if there are more grown people watching this than little kids!
The most interesting stories in my opinion are the competitions, because since every backyardigan is generally equal, there is no “villain” that is sure to lose. So, that means anyone could win. These episodes really get me glued to the screen!
By the way, my favorite character is Pablo. Once I found a test on the Internet that would tell you which backyardigan you’re most like. To my surprise, I was, in the end, Pablo!
Uniqua is not a lady bug! she is not any animal, that is why she is called Uniqua!
I love the backyardigans. It’s my favorite show ever. Please check out this fansite. I just added a whole bunch of pictures from the new episodes like “NEWS FLASH” and more.