So, I know I’m totally going to give you the idea that all my kids do is watch TV, and this is completely one hundred percent not true.
However, the TV they do watch gives me something to write about, so here it is.
Forget Lazytown (as though I could forget it—it’s my single most popular entry ever)—Sophia got bored with Lazytown because it’s been the same five episodes in rotation for the past two months. The show to watch is The Backyardigans. How much do I love this show? I am tempted to watch it when the kids aren’t around. I sing the songs as I do the dishes. There are only nine episodes so far and I have all nine on our TiVo. I force people just visiting our house to watch some of this show.
I love this show.
Tyrone, Tasha, Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin
The Backyardigans is a show about five friends—Tyrone the moose, Tasha the hippo, Pablo the penguin, Uniqua the ladybug, and Austin the kangaroo (actually, I’m not sure what Austin is, and he’s the Backyardigan we see the least of anyhow)—who get together every day and have some theme to their play: ghosts, Tarzan, knights and quests, Mounties, Vikings. They all take roles in their adventure that pretty well fit with their personalities. At the end, they repair to one kid’s house for snacktime.
In between, there’s singing, dancing, and general silliness. What’s extremely excellent about this show is that there’s stuff in there for grownups that’s not sneaky or salacious: it’s just on a level most kids aren’t going to find funny in the same way. For example, three Backyardigans are chasing the Yeti across the North Pole:
TASHA We need kayaks to cross this water. They suddenly spy three KAYAKS on the bank of the river. TYRONE Well, that certainly is convenient.
That line cracks me up everytime.
The songs in this show are incredibly memorable. While doing the dishes I like to sing the songs the Vikings sing as their Viking ship rounds a very powerful whirlpool, “You’ve Got To Hold On Tight”:
You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight with all your Viking might.
Darin’s favorite bit is when they sing a limbo while trying to avoid the laser beams during a super-secret spy mission.
This show has reignited my love of musicals, which has been dormant for some time. (My insistence on musical-only writing music has been helped by the fact that I dug out our CD collection and ripped about 150 of them recently. Of course, I can’t find the one I’m looking for, Linie 1. Sigh.) I want to write a children’s musical, I’m so inspired by this show.
Anyhow: The Backyardigans is on Nick Jr. I highly recommend checking it out.
(Tyrone the moose is my favorite, by the way. In case you’re wondering.)
Update 2/16/05: Wow, lots of comments here! This entry is listed pretty high on Google when you search for “The Backyardigans” so I’m going to assume someone from Nick Jr. has found it. (Hi there! More Backyardigans episodes, please!)
A number of people have posted asking about Backyardigans-themed birthday supplies and other merchandise. As far as I’ve been able to find on the Web, there isn’t any! It might not be licensed yet or might not have gotten to stories yet. All I can say is: Hurry it up! You’ve got lots of customers waiting. If anyone does know of legit Backyardigans stuff, let me know and I’ll put it on this page.
I found a number of Backyardigans songs on LimeWire. I don’t know where they’re from, since a few things tell me they’re not recorded right off of the show. If the production company wanted to put out a CD with each and every song from the show on it, they’d have a bestseller. I think there are plenty of parents out there who wouldn’t mind putting that music on for their kids, and I’d rather pay royalties to the songmakers!
Evidently a new bunch of episodes will start airing in a week or two. I can’t wait…and I think the kids are excited too. All I can say is, keep ’em coming! More! More!
Update 8/11/05: The Backyardigans’ eponymously named CD is now out! The Backyardigans has 19 great songs on it, although it doesn’t include my personal favorite, “You’ve got to hold on tight.” I had downloaded some of these songs from Limewire, but I’m much, much happier having the actual CD in my hot little hand now.
Update 1/28/06: Wow. This entry has 747 comments!
There are a couple of Backyardigan DVDs out now, which means you don’t have to keep every episode on your TiVo any more.
The Snow Fort: Contains “The Snow Fort”, “The Yeti”, “Knights Are Brave and Strong”, and “Secret Mission”.
It’s Great To Be A Ghost: Contains “It’s Great To Be A Ghost”, “Monster Detectives”, “Key to the Nile”, and “Pirate Adventure”.
Polka Palace Party: Contains “Polka Palace Party”, “Heart of the Jungle”, “Viking Voyage”, and one I haven’t seen before — having tea in the Gobi desert. (Maybe it hasn’t aired yet?)
Update 1/05/09: Yowsa. I am amazed at how lively this entry still is!
In response to many (many, many) comments on here: I came up with the idea that Uniqua is a ladybug from my then-4-year-old (who’s now about to be 9, but still loves the Backyardigans). I’m in complete agreement with everyone who says that Uniqua is just that: unique. I wasn’t paying a whole bunch of attention at the time, and I went with my 4-year-old’s assessment of Uniqua’s identity, ‘kay?
OMG! i’m 11 and the backyardigan’s is my favorite tv show!!! its funny and cute and awesome! thanks 2 luey and lu lu 4 telling me about it!!! i dont know what i’d do if it didn’t exist. I LOVE THE BACKYARDIGAN’S!!
we’ve got the whole wide world in our yards to explore…..
i love the backyardigans there grate with pablo tyrone tasha uniqua ostin ureka that is the 1 im i love with where pablo and tyrone want to find gold and tasha and uniqua want to find a flappasaurauious skeletion
You can get the Backyardigans on
Just burn it to a CD for the kids.
Weeeeeeee are the……….(can’t get it out of my head!)
dora, lazy town, go deigo go, blues clues and all those other ones don’t have any on the backyardigans that is the best show and i am 15 years old
Me and my son watch The Backyardigans everyday. We loved the show.
I LOVE The Backyardigans. I saw it by accident one day and now I tape it every Saturday. The sad part is I’m 28 and have no kids (I’m not ever even around kids), I just like the show. The songs get stuck in my head (that “Ridin’ the Range” song is always in my head). My favorite character is Uniqua. She’s super smart and I like her cute voice.
austin was not a shy lifeguard he was sneaky and protecting tiki beach. hes shy in castaways and thats about it although he seems to look to uniqua to see if hes doing the right thing (you’ll often see her give him a little nod) in the race to the tower of power episode.
either way hes adorable
wouodnt it be awesome if they came out with little figurines of them at mcdonalds??? lol i would collect about 10 them each and i dont even eat maccas. actually, they should come out with a byg’s movie that u can see at the movies like they’re making a simsons movie and they made pokemon and harry potter movies. go janice burgess u no u want to (u no i want u to!)
the person who said tyrone’s singing voice is in ur class thats awesome are u teacher or student? is he like famous at ur school or is it low profile? thats awesome
20 new episodes, coming out in september, write it on ur calender.. lol
soy andres me gustan los episodios de los bakyardigans quiero saber si me quieren.
i want to know if you love me.
andres 8 years old.
Does anyone know if there is sheet music for the Backyardigans songs. I play the piano and i would love to be able to play the songs for my nephew.
sweet! there are going to be 20 new shows!!! that is awesome! so, what’s the scoop on tyrone’s voice? if i were him, i’d be a celeberty! LOL! go backyardigan’s! sry. g2g have a snack. meet u next time when i’m back!!! #1! #1!
Does anyone know where can i find party theme of the backyardigans? Thanks
My little boy just turned two and he can already sing ‘A Pirate Says Arr'(well, kind of)
The party theme stuff for the Backyardigans does not exist. My wife and I looked for it for my daughter’s birthday. We searched the internet and every party store imagineable. We were bummed. I must admit, I am 26 and love the show. I use the excuse that my 1 year old likes it to watch it. Hehe.
You are right about the party supplies. I am the owner of we do children’s theme birthday parties and EVEN I CAN’T find the Backyardigans.
Hi my son Lucas have only 18 month and he loves
Pablo, i just buy few things, like a tee shirt with pablo, a watch with pablo and ny same name, few books and a lunch box in tha page and also we can find a lot interesting things in ( like party box)
i love backyardigains we have the dvd’s and we saw it 24 hrs.ciao i need an snack..see you later
Hi my son Lucas have only 18 month and he loves
Pablo, i just buy few things, like a tee shirt with pablo, a watch with pablo and ny same name, few books and a lunch box in tha page and also we can find a lot interesting things in ( like party box)
i love backyardigains we have the dvd’s and we saw it 24 hrs.ciao i need an snack..see you later
I am having the same problem with the party supplies. My son is going to turn one. He loves the Backyardigans. We watch it daily. At times it is the only thing that will make him stop crying. We even tape it on our DVR now. I wanted to do his birthday in Backyardigans, and I can’t find anything.
I started watching the backyardigans while I was pregnant with my son, who will be turning two next month. I previewed cartoons before he was born to find out what I approved of him watching and what I thought would be most entertaining and educational. I fell in love with the backyardigans the first time I saw it and watch it religiously monday thru saturday with my son. We also own all of the dvds. He listens to the cd everytime we get in the car and sings some of the words along. I sing louder than him. I have heard the backyardigans party supplies come out in 2007, I wish my son could have them this birthday!
HI I love to watch Backyardigans and I am 19 years old. I watch them with my two nieces the oldest is going to be 1 on the 31st of July and the youngest is 9months!!!!!!! LOVE The Show it is the best ever!
My twin daugters love the Backyardigans! But I think my husband and I love them more than they do! Glad to hear that 20 new episodes are coming out in September! We can’t wait!
By the way, does anyone know if there are live stage performances?
me facina este show, yo soy àblito jajajaja, me divierto muchisimo viendolo, backyardigans si!!!!!!!!!!111
my nefew is crazy when seen the backyardigans please ai need party decorations for march, she birth 2 years
My three year old loves the backyardigans. We were in Walmart looking for Dora the Explorer videos and she went nuts when she saw the Backyardigans video. As much as she loves Dora and the Wizard of Oz, Backyardigans is her favorite. Her big sister, 18 years old even loves the theme song: “…we’ve got whole wide world in our yard to explore. we always find things we’ve never seen before…” And they dance together in circles…
Highly recommended for kids bonding with older siblings.
mmmmm that is my and mine friends all time favorite show… gawd I don’t know what I would do without the Backyardigans I have it on a timer I set my alarm clock… its just an amazing show…. I seriously am in love. lol.
OH MY GOSH ! i love this show soo much !!
I HAVE THE SINGING PABLO!OH MY GOSH ! i love this show soo much !!
I HAVE THE SINGING PABLO!OH MY GOSH ! i love this show soo much !!
I HAVE THE SINGING PABLO!OH MY GOSH ! i love this show soo much !!
I love the Backyardigans.
It is me again, From Mountain Top Parties. I received in the mail today a new catalog from DesignWare from American Greetings.
BACKYARDIGAN PARTY SUPPLIES will be shipping in August.
It takes me WEEKS(benefits of being a small business,LOL)to receive my orders, but I hope to feature The Backyardigans Theme party on my website: by November 1. Please come visit me
If u can. . . . please find me the lyrics from The Heart of the Jungle!! From the part about Sherman the Worman, u know “Hey Sherman, Hey Sherman, could this be this spot?!” I need to know the rest of it, because IT ALWAYS GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD!!!! But i love this show its SoOoOoOoOoOoO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out I just got their catalog yesterday and yes!! they are carrying Backyardigans partyware. About Time!!!
PARTY SUPPLIES – I found party supplies at It says available to ship 8/18/06…just in time for my son’s 2nd birthday on 9/5. Our favorite episode is Secret Agents. It is so cute to see him dancing around saying shhhhh with his finger to his lips. I think we are going to do the treasure hunt theme…ARGGG!
yeah my son is 1 and loves the the backyardagins so if you could create so books online that read to my child online thanks a bunch
I live in Spring, Texas just north of Houston and I cannot find any backyardigans clothing. I seen many on ebay, but none the correct size. Do you know of any stores besides nick shop online or kohls, kohls in my area had zelch. Help, please the holiday are coming…the holidays are coming!
OMG! this is totally the best show ever! I am 12 years old and i still love it! the music is so great I have it all downloaded on my computer!
Backyardigans ROCK!!!
From riley
p.s. TASHA IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!i luv hippos!
I am 19, and I watch my two nieces and my nephew everyday (ages 3,4, and 5.) They love this show. I’d be lying if I said I don’t get a little excited when I hear that theme song come on. I love the show it’s great and the music is cool, too. “Nothing is easier than falling off a log” is stuck in my head right now.
I LUV THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!!!! Palbo and Uniqua r my fav!!!! AND…. im am in 7th grade
My son’s 2nd birthday is in September, and I planned to have a Backyardigans party without the supplies sadly)being as creative as possible. I just received my Birthday Express catalog Monday and was more than HAPPY to see The Backyardigans party supplies. I didn’t know about Birthday Direct. Thanks for the tip!!! The shipping is free (over $55)and there’s a greater variety of merchandise including balloons. I am very happy! I’m a big fan!
I LOVE THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!! I am 13, and I don’t find it odd at all that I love them. They are so cool! I have a DVR and I record all the episodes. I love them!!!!! All of their songs are cool, and I love their dances! Pablo is my favorite.
After watching Backyardigans all summer with my son, and downloading the CD on Napster, and listening to “A Pirate Says, ARR” over and over again. . .I went back to teaching school this week. Not surprisingly, I have been saying “ARRR” everytime the kids do something annoying! will have backyardigans party supplies too. we are cheaper then Birthdayexpress and Birthdaydirect. But like I said earlier we are a small business and it takes us longer to receive shipments I hope to have the supplies by the end of October.
First of all I would like to say I’M SOOO GEEKED I FOUND THIS SITE! Other people that share mine, my husbands and my daughters’ obsession with the Backyardigans. I have gotten a lot of information such as the birthday party supplies FINALLY being made – JUST IN TIME for my daughters birthday!!! I was trying to do it all “bootleg” and it wasn’t going well 😉
I have a question…for all of those with the new cd Groove to the Music…I know there are NEW songs on their from Mission to Mars. (QUESTION 1) When does that movie come out? (QUESTION 2) There is a song (sung by Pablo) called Ah Ha, or something like that (he’s a detective in the song)…what episode is that from and has it been released yet???? Its driving me nuts thinking there are episodes I haven’t seen yet.
I am seriously thinking I might need a support group here soon…I was actually at bingo one night with my mother in law and her friends – after they all won money I threatened to give them all SNOW BELLIES!
Anyway – if you have any answers to my questions could you please email me at (please mention the Backyardigans in the subject line so I know when to read it)
Thanks so much…
I KNOW BACKYARDIGAN ROCK!!!!!!!! ROCK ON DUD AND DUDETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow!! it is so great to see that i am not the only adult that is going crazy over that backyardigans my 2 & 3 and 13 yeard old love them!!! we know all the songs practially by heart my sons favorite is yeti stomp and secret agent. i have found myself listening to the song even when the kids arent around.
i love the backyardigans!!!!! i’ve memorized every song!!!!!! i love the song Surfs Up!!!!!!!
Hi i have a daughter who is 7 monthes who loves the backyardigans and has sence she was 6 weeks old. And i myself love the show.I do wish they would have more clothes and toys for my daughter KayLynn.Sence she is younger then 2.How ever i really love the show and hope that they keep up the good work.We bought the cds and when she isn’t in the car my husband and i turn it up and sing to them.