So, I know I’m totally going to give you the idea that all my kids do is watch TV, and this is completely one hundred percent not true.
However, the TV they do watch gives me something to write about, so here it is.
Forget Lazytown (as though I could forget it—it’s my single most popular entry ever)—Sophia got bored with Lazytown because it’s been the same five episodes in rotation for the past two months. The show to watch is The Backyardigans. How much do I love this show? I am tempted to watch it when the kids aren’t around. I sing the songs as I do the dishes. There are only nine episodes so far and I have all nine on our TiVo. I force people just visiting our house to watch some of this show.
I love this show.
Tyrone, Tasha, Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin
The Backyardigans is a show about five friends—Tyrone the moose, Tasha the hippo, Pablo the penguin, Uniqua the ladybug, and Austin the kangaroo (actually, I’m not sure what Austin is, and he’s the Backyardigan we see the least of anyhow)—who get together every day and have some theme to their play: ghosts, Tarzan, knights and quests, Mounties, Vikings. They all take roles in their adventure that pretty well fit with their personalities. At the end, they repair to one kid’s house for snacktime.
In between, there’s singing, dancing, and general silliness. What’s extremely excellent about this show is that there’s stuff in there for grownups that’s not sneaky or salacious: it’s just on a level most kids aren’t going to find funny in the same way. For example, three Backyardigans are chasing the Yeti across the North Pole:
TASHA We need kayaks to cross this water. They suddenly spy three KAYAKS on the bank of the river. TYRONE Well, that certainly is convenient.
That line cracks me up everytime.
The songs in this show are incredibly memorable. While doing the dishes I like to sing the songs the Vikings sing as their Viking ship rounds a very powerful whirlpool, “You’ve Got To Hold On Tight”:
You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight Hold on tight You've got to hold on tight with all your Viking might.
Darin’s favorite bit is when they sing a limbo while trying to avoid the laser beams during a super-secret spy mission.
This show has reignited my love of musicals, which has been dormant for some time. (My insistence on musical-only writing music has been helped by the fact that I dug out our CD collection and ripped about 150 of them recently. Of course, I can’t find the one I’m looking for, Linie 1. Sigh.) I want to write a children’s musical, I’m so inspired by this show.
Anyhow: The Backyardigans is on Nick Jr. I highly recommend checking it out.
(Tyrone the moose is my favorite, by the way. In case you’re wondering.)
Update 2/16/05: Wow, lots of comments here! This entry is listed pretty high on Google when you search for “The Backyardigans” so I’m going to assume someone from Nick Jr. has found it. (Hi there! More Backyardigans episodes, please!)
A number of people have posted asking about Backyardigans-themed birthday supplies and other merchandise. As far as I’ve been able to find on the Web, there isn’t any! It might not be licensed yet or might not have gotten to stories yet. All I can say is: Hurry it up! You’ve got lots of customers waiting. If anyone does know of legit Backyardigans stuff, let me know and I’ll put it on this page.
I found a number of Backyardigans songs on LimeWire. I don’t know where they’re from, since a few things tell me they’re not recorded right off of the show. If the production company wanted to put out a CD with each and every song from the show on it, they’d have a bestseller. I think there are plenty of parents out there who wouldn’t mind putting that music on for their kids, and I’d rather pay royalties to the songmakers!
Evidently a new bunch of episodes will start airing in a week or two. I can’t wait…and I think the kids are excited too. All I can say is, keep ’em coming! More! More!
Update 8/11/05: The Backyardigans’ eponymously named CD is now out! The Backyardigans has 19 great songs on it, although it doesn’t include my personal favorite, “You’ve got to hold on tight.” I had downloaded some of these songs from Limewire, but I’m much, much happier having the actual CD in my hot little hand now.
Update 1/28/06: Wow. This entry has 747 comments!
There are a couple of Backyardigan DVDs out now, which means you don’t have to keep every episode on your TiVo any more.
The Snow Fort: Contains “The Snow Fort”, “The Yeti”, “Knights Are Brave and Strong”, and “Secret Mission”.
It’s Great To Be A Ghost: Contains “It’s Great To Be A Ghost”, “Monster Detectives”, “Key to the Nile”, and “Pirate Adventure”.
Polka Palace Party: Contains “Polka Palace Party”, “Heart of the Jungle”, “Viking Voyage”, and one I haven’t seen before — having tea in the Gobi desert. (Maybe it hasn’t aired yet?)
Update 1/05/09: Yowsa. I am amazed at how lively this entry still is!
In response to many (many, many) comments on here: I came up with the idea that Uniqua is a ladybug from my then-4-year-old (who’s now about to be 9, but still loves the Backyardigans). I’m in complete agreement with everyone who says that Uniqua is just that: unique. I wasn’t paying a whole bunch of attention at the time, and I went with my 4-year-old’s assessment of Uniqua’s identity, ‘kay?
My daughter and I started watching this show when she was 7 months old. Of course I have enjoyed the show more than she has but she is really starting to get into it allot more. Riding the range was her first episode. She is almost 2 years old now and since then we have recorded all of the shows on our digital recorder and we watch them as soon as she gets home from day care. One of the newest episodes “The Tower of Power” has become our favorite because of it’s latin flair. It is by far the best television show for kids of all ages.
I was at Khols Depatment store the other day and noticed that they are now carrying clothing with the backyardagains on them.
HI just regarding the last comment, you can find the lastest Backyardigans vidoes, DVD’s a CD of all the music and all the new books at Just a tip, as I was struggling to find proper backyardigans merchandise, I wish they would come up with their own website and store link at the website. Would be nice.
I’m a 28 year old father of 2 and I just picked up the “Snow Fort” DVD. Under $15 at Target and I’m SOOOOOOOO glad I could finally add this to the DVD rotation in the car. I’ve Tivo’d most of the episodes and I think they’re brilliant and alot of fun. Aside from the fact that it’s a pre-school show I can listen to in the front seat and not want to run the car off the road, my 2 year old daughter loves to sing and dance while watching the show. She also often takes pieces of the different storylines to create her own adventures in our backyard at home. I don’t know much about, or care about the specifics of the show but the Backyardigans have been a welcome change this year from Dora, Franklin, Oswald & Little Bear etc. The bottom line is….I’m glad they’ve finally made a show I can watch, play, laugh and share with my young kids.
PS – Kohl’s has an entire fall line of Backyardigans clothing this year….and it ROCKS!
Someone on Ebay has a listings for Pablo, Tyrone, & Uniqua cuddle pillows (stuffed animals). I asked her where she found these and she says at a store, but she will not tell me which one because she wants to make money on her current auctions. ( I can understand that) She lives in California near L.A. I live down near San Diego. If I find out where she bought them I’ll let you guys know. If anyone knows anythings, please let me know. Thanks.
does anyone know where to find backyardigans birthday deco. ?
They have all the toys at Linens N’ Things. Oh, and new clothing at Nick Jr. com!
Can some please tell me where in Canada I can find backyardigan clothes and toys? Unfortunately alot of US stores will not ship to Canada. The only thing I have been able to get is a DVD, book and CD from
Thank you.
I have spent the last few days on Limewire looking for songs. There is a bunch and they sound good but some are coded and will not play. I have found that Nero will play them though. Still wish there were more stuff in Canada other than the “It’s Great being a Ghost!” Which my boys (4 1/2 & 2 1/2) love. Oh! If you go onto limewire, don’t do Soccer Monster or Laser Limbo Tango (Limbo rock). They are not what they say the are and not kids friendly!! Just thought I’d save you some time!!
heyy………….o my goodness i love this website because i love the backyardigans i think that its the best show ever…………..its funny and cute
-well got to go keep watching the backtardiganslove ya
I love the backyardigans!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im 15 and i watch it w/ my 4 year old sister . She loves tasha and i just love Uniqua @!!!!!! austin is cool too. Ugh! you are crazy to not like the show ! hopefully i can find some cheap song lyrics
If only words can truly express what I think about the Backyardigans. No other animated show can touch this show. What caught my attention one day was I was doing someone’s hair and I heard the music and I said to myself that music is very unique for a childrens animated show. I love the style of music however, when I was able to see the characters for this show I could not believe my eyes. My 2-year-old son and my grandson loves the Backyardigans. Well…… my whole family loves them too. keep up the great work. The Backyardigans have become a part of my family. Can’t wait to see what the producers and musicians come up with next.
My four-year old daughter loves to sing and mimic the dance steps during the show. I much rather have her dancing along with the Backyardigans because their dancing is a lot less provocative than even the Doodlebugs. She has started to recognize the genre of music which opens up a whole new level of music appreciation. Finally an alternative to “Kids Bop” which I do not recommend because even though kids are singing the song, the lyrics are very questionable.
My 4 year old and even my 5 month old nephew both get wide eyed when they hear the opening song for this show. My sister ordered the new CD online for me when we saw the ad on TV. The CD has been played in the house and in the family van so much that even I know every word and love every song! I sing the songs as I dance with my 5 month old nephew in my arms and he looks up at my face with a bright smile. We love this show!!! My 4 year old sets his alarm clock so he won’t miss the show! It makes a parent happy when you find a show with music and rhyming that helps your child get up to dance and sing. OH, and laugh too!
My 4 year old wants to be Austin for Halloween. Does anyone know if their marketing costumes yet?
I told him I’d make it but we’re cutting it close.
Aren’t Backyardigans just great? I seen a few of you asked about party decorations, check eBay out and you can print out invitations and song sheets, Backyardigans activity book (9 pages), and so much more. I am having a Backyardigans birthday for my son, found from a seller on eBay backyardigans goodie bags for parties, and they also have backyardigans labels to put on bubbles for parties. I cut out the pictures from the backyardigans invitations they have at and made my own invitions (if you don’t like the fold up ones they have at their site (just go to kinko’s and make copies, they are very cute). Also there is a really great seller on eBay who make adorable pins for birthday party. Just bought them Sunday and already received them. My son was so excited when he got them. They say different things, she personalizes them for you with whatever you want to say, my son’s said “I’m the Birthday Boy! Happy 4th Birthday Xavier” There is a picture of all five of the Backyardigans in the middle, they are so cute. Unfortunately they don’t have the plates, napkins, etc. I just used some western (cowboy) decorations, and backyardigans colored (purple,pink,blue, yellow,orange) plates, napkins, plates, streamers, tablecovers and balloons for the rest of the decorations, his party is Nov. 5, so hopefully it will go well! Hope’s this helps.
I almost forgot you can get Backyardigans personalized Cd’s for party favors on there as well. Too cute, they have quite a few songs on there too.
This is the greatest show on TV today. My baby loves the music and dances along with the songs. The choreography for the characters is amazing. The music is fun and catchy and almost everyone in my house knows the tunes by heart. The reason children (and adults) love it is because it is entertaining.
The psychotic/paranoid mother who wrote the review saying the show has “subliminal messages” needs to lay off the marijuana. I’m not really sure how anyone could take advice from someone as illiterate as her anyway. Please lady, use a dictionary next time you want to belittle something your children love. Sounds like she is jealous that her kids are more interested in a cute show than they are in her. Maybe the great music in the show is the only way they can tune their obnoxious mom’s voice out. When my kids watch, they also follow the show, but if I talk to them, they hear what I say and look at me or make comments about the show. I’m trying to be courteous, but jealous people really annoy me and shouldn’t base their review on that alone.
I absolutely adore Austin, he is my favorite! 🙂 I want more episodes, I have taped the 16 that are available so we can watch whenever we want. Please keep making more and more episodes we love the Backyardigans!!! 😀
Im 19 years old and i have a 1 year old daughter that loves the backyardigans…I am planning her birthday party which is in may but i cant find any party supplies. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHERE I CAN GET THE BACKYARDIGANS PARTY SUPPLIES PLEASE EMAIL ME ASAP
you can now find backyardigans pajamas, underwear, sweaters, jeans and tracksuits at!!!
Wow! We all love the Backyardigans!
I love to sing along. Because my husband’s native language is Russian, we often watch TV with the closed captions on. One morning, the captions were on and I got to sing along for the whole show. My 13-month-old looked at me with a little surprise (Mommy is pretty awesome, but that morning I was appearently ruling the universe.) In general, the captions are very good.
Also, my mom found a really cute pink velour Backyardigans outfit at Kohl’s. I can’t wait to go there and find some more merchandise.
When the magical merchandising people realize that some of us moms would like to buy a really cute Uniqua shirt in OUR size, not just 2T?
YAY!! Finally they have Backyardigan items for sale at the nickelodeon shop!! I soo getting my daughter a pablo pillow for her 1st birthday! She is in love with Pablo everytime you ask her “where’s Pablo?” she grabs her chest as if he’s in her heart. soo cute!! I love these guys and we need better times for them to be on .. or on more.. I love them !
Uniqua is not a ladybug. she is unique that is why they call her Uniqua!!!I HERD THERE IS A SEASON 2!
i have a almost 4 year old and he drives me crazy with the backyardigans. ( i like it too )i’m glad i found other parents that are going thru what i go thru everyday. i’m planning his birthday party and i can’t find any backyardigans stuff . HELP thanks for having this website . i want to know who does the voices.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Where else can you introduce a child to rock, jazz, funk, big band, zydeco, grunge, ….. and still give them a great adventure story. My kids love this show. So do I. I am not sure whom I am collecting the DVD’s for, probably me. Soccer Monster, the best epsiode yet.
Hi im a mother of a 1 year old and my son loves this show. As a adult i think its a great show for kids, better than some other shows they have on TV. I went to toys’r’us yesterday they only had one video. I would like to get my son some backyardigan toys for his bday and Christmas!! Also my sons bday is in a month and half and would like his theme to be the Backyardigans if any one knows where to find this stuff email at
Where are the talking, dancing Backyardagins this Christmas? Someone is really dragging their purple polka dot bottoms. I do not have children and this is the only cartoon I have watched in years. I would love to give some stuffed Backyardagins to family members. This is the hottest thing since the Bratz Dolls.
omg i love the backyardigans! lol i watch them wenever i can and guess how old i am? come on gues!!! ok watever i ll tell ya 13!!! lol and i dnt have a younger bro or sis i just lik the theme song and reeeeeellllyyyy want the lyrics so lik cood someone email to me PLEASE??? thnx bye
I love the Backyardigans!!! It is very disappointing when we cannot find anything on them. Our daughter is going to be 1 and she absolutely loves them!!! Everytime she sees them she starts to cry. anything of them that she sees she just wants to hold them. HOPEFULLY THE BACKYARDIGANS WILL BECOME MORE POPULAR!!! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THAT.
When is the Spanish version coming out? My son loves this show, but we speak Spanish at home. I saw that someone here worked on the dubbing. Does anyone know when this will be out (or as alternative language track on the DVDs)?
I love the Backyardigans!!!!!! My granddaughter will be two next month and I want the party favors and everything else that goes with them!!!!!!!! I need them now!!!!!
I love the Backyardigans!!!!!! My granddaughter will be two next month and I want the party favors and everything else that goes with them!!!!!!!! I need them now!!!!!HELP
My Sister Anna Loves this show. We have the Cd and she loves it. Whenever we put in the cd or turn on the show she screams,smiles and laughs. It is soooo cute!! I even like that show it is very cute!! And I am 13. Me and my sis will sit and watch it together.
Hey Everyone! Quickly goto, click on the “Shop” tab and you’ll find a boatload of products! Including adorable stuffed pillows of Uniqua, Tyrone and Pablo!!!!!
OMG, can I just tell you how much my 3 year old loves the Backyardigans, lol. For Halloween I asked him what he wanted to be and he said ” I want to be a pirate, like Pablo”, lol. He sees the video everday and he knows the words to all of the songs, he even has his dad and me sing along. He wants the Backyardigans as his birthday theme. I’m just wishing that from now till atleast end of December (his birthday is in Jan) I can find some decorations.
My three year old also loves the Backyardigans so much so that this year for Halloween all he wanted to be was… Yucky Man! Pablo from Race to the Tower of Power. Grandma whipped out the sewing machine and we have ourselves the cuttest little supervillian ever.
I love the show. We have comcast on demand and My 15 month old has to watch it almost every hour. She sings with and now she is also trying to dance with them. She has been watching the show since she was about 6 months old. I never new who the backyardigans were until a women told me about them. Thank you nick jr for playing the show everyday and now that they have songs and coloring pages to print on there web site too. my little girl has so much fun coloring the pages.
Hey everyone. My kids the this show. I think if they could they would watch it all day long. I found some backyardigans stuff on ebay and some on nick jr. You guys should check it out. I know that I’ll be shopping there. :o)
This is one of the most original concepts I have ever see. My daughter, Julia, loves them, although she knows nothing about my reasons for loving them too. Its the music, the drawings, the stories, the updated context, every friend’s personality, and no ethnicity creatures.
Ok i found this site completely randomly looking for Backyardigains party invitations. But can I tell you that you’ve answered something for me that’s been bugging me since my now 2 year old daughter has been watching this show. I’ve been tring to figure out what Uniqua was, I can’t believe she’s a ladybug! I don’t think I would have ever reconized that! And if anyone by any chance happens to find somewhere that you can purchase Backyardigans printed fabric (long shot, I know) can you contact me at I’m an avid sewer and have been trying REALLY hard to find some for various projects.
i’m such a big fan of the bagardygans and i’m 14 years old xxxxxxx
Is there any Backyardigan merchandise available in Canada? It looks like the Nick Jr. site does not ship to Canada.
Hey guys just a heads up, they have Backyardigan merchandise at and Linens and things. Cute bedding, and pillows. Really adorable stuff.
I have a 2 year old and 3 year old who loves The Backyardigans, we get to watch it once in the morning and then it comes on in the afternoon. No matter what my daughter is doing when she hears the first song, she takes off running. I am trying to find some toys for her, Kohls department store has the pajamas! Thanks for this site, I love to read what other parents are saying!
this show is the coolest my 18 month old loves it and when it comes on she gets right in front of the tv and starts dancing.
I really like The Bacyardigans. My daughter loves them too. the t.v shoe=w is wonderful , i feel that Kayla learn new words like for example “Obstacle” now she knows how to use that word in a sentence. Its great I think all kids should watch the show.
My daughters just love the Backyardigans,i am after some merchandise for a 6 year old t shirt or alike cant find anyone who ships to to the UK,not willing to pay high prices on Ebay -m any ideas?
My daughters just love the Backyardigans,i am after some merchandise for a 6 year old t shirt or alike cant find anyone who ships to to the UK,not willing to pay high prices on Ebay -m any ideas?
what episodes will be on the polka party dvd, released january 2006…?