Yes, I have continued writing. I finally updated the NaNo count—I’m up to 34,200 currently (I don’t have my NaNoWriMoProMe password with me or I’d update the counter over there)—and have high hopes that despite the Turkey Day get-togethers and general enforced conviviality (which is the natural enemy of writing, I think) that I will continue on to win NaNo.
I managed to write on the plane ride. Two pages in a Moleskine with relatively small handwriting equals approximately one manuscript page, for those of you trying to figure out the conversions. So you couldn’t write a whole novel in a Moleskine, but you could do a lot of it. I discovered that I like writing by hand—I haven’t written fiction by hand for so long.
I used to fly places. Hey, in the first year of her life, Sophia was on something like 30 planes. But now: two kids, we live near family, yadda, yadda…not so much flying.
Which is why I am probably the last person to find out that Delta charges for food on planes now. And they’d still run out by the time the food cart got to the back of the plane. Which wasn’t bad, because I had packed food for the kids beforehand anyhow and I wasn’t hungry. But sheesh.
Bring your own! Especially if you have kids!
Delta charges for food???
I had no idea. Of course, out of Dallas we’re always flying American or Southwest, and I haven’t flown either in a couple of years. Who knows what they’re doing these days? I don’t.
What is a moleskin?
Congrats on the great output!!!
Okay, found the moleskines. Cool.