Okay, phew! Things seem to be back to normal around here. I hadn’t saved my self-built templates for the left column and right column, but then I remembered I’d mailed them to someone a while backâ€â€turned out to be almost 2 years ago, but who’s counting?â€â€and with a little tweaking they seem to be their good old selves. Yay. And everything seems to work fine.
Simon is fine. Or, to be more exact, Simon is the same little boy as ever: he’s smiley, flirty, and trying out new words all the time. (Still refuses to say “Simon.” Go figure.) We went to see the neurologist on Monday, and he observed Simon, gave him reflex tests, looked at the charts, and said, basically, “Huh. No idea.” Well, okay, not quite no idea: the leading contenders are 1) a seizure of some kind and 2) a reaction to medication, and the only medication we’ve been giving him of late is Amoxicillin for his toe.
He’s taking an EEG test in a few weeks. This consists of making him stay up real late, then making him get up real early in the morning. I have no idea why we’d want to do this, but that’s what they said.
We had one for our son a number of years ago, and the explanation then was that a sleep-deprived EEG can highlight the abnormalities in a patients EEG.
Seizures are scary. Our daughter has had two and they only occur when she is asleep. Very hard to notice. I hope Simon doesn’t have any more!
They want him to sleep for the test. They tried to get Carole to sleep for hers (post seizure) and it took 3 different tries. She finally passed with flying colors.
I’m so glad to hear that things are looking okay. Good luck with the EEG.