Tom Tomorrow sayeth it all.
Seriously, how uninformed can you be to be undecided at this point? Of course, I don’t exactly understand how anyone can think W. is doing a good job at this point. But if you’re all about having power and not so much about actually governing, then yeah, the Republicans are the place to be.
(I know, I said: no more politics for a while. I lied.)
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If you haven’t yet heard why Bush brought up the Dred Scott remark in the last debate go to this site:
Make sure you check the link marked as “Here”
And pass the word.
Yeah, I’ve heard about that one. Un-f’ing-believable (except this is George Bush, so really anything’s believable*).
I sent mail to telling them to get the meme out. Of course, Atrios, Kevin, and Mark Kleiman have been all over this like white on rice, and they’re a lot higher profile than I am.
*When I say anything’s believable with this guy, I mean that I no longer dismiss out of hand the conspiracy theory that they were behind certain Major Events in order to push their agenda. I’m not saying that’s the way it happened. I’m saying that frankly, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised.