I have a quick question for those of you out there with kids in preschool (particularly in California): do your preschools send home call lists from the kid’s class?
Sophia’s and Simon’s won’t. They said it’s against the law (or something—gotta ask them again what the rationale was). However, Sophia’s school in LA not only sent home call lists, they sent them home whenever the class roster changed, which in preschool is quite often. The current school recommended that I put one together for the class. Yes, I am Little Miss Organized; I’ll run right out and do that. (Needless to say: haven’t yet.)
We have two weeks off of school. I have a few other kids’ phone numbers, but Sophia always asks, “What about So-and-so?” And it’s always someone whose number I don’t have yet.
Two weeks. Sob. I could really use a call list.
We always had a class call list, but at the beginning of each year, every family had to sign a permission slip for their number to be included, to avoid privacy problems, I suppose.
As a veteran of not one but four (!) California preschools, I can safely say it’s not uniform. Damian’s first preschool? Call list. The therapeutic one? Never, though if you wanted addresses for birthday invites, you could get them on a case-by-case basis. His second regular one? Call list. Third regular one? Nope. So I’d say there’s no law but some schools are more cautious than others.
Ours is a daycare center too. If you want to be on a list, you have to sign up with the little form in the sign in/out book that’s in the hallway.
It’s organized by other parents, not the school.