You know that People for the American Way has published the Florida Felon List, which allows citizens to check to see if the state of Florida is calling them nasty names behind their back and, oh yes, disenfranchising them. Great move, props all around to PFAW.
I’m not here to get into the Florida thing. No, no: I’m here to tell all writers out here to get copies of the list immediately. Unfortunately, it’s 26 PDF files. On the other hand…it’s a gigantic list of names you can look at any time to spark an idea for a character’s name.
Need a name? Check the list. All different ethnicities and heritages. Easy to peruse in the comfort of your own computer.
I’m all about the writing help over here.
Hmm, I wonder how many of them have the middle name Wayne? you know, how there’s a theory that an abnormally high number of criminals/murderers have the middle name Wayne.
Good tip, though. 🙂