Billmon posted a pretty funny adaptation of Asimov’s three laws of Robotics:
1. A Republican may not injure a corporation, or, through inaction, allow a corporation to come to harm.
2. A Republican must obey the orders given it by corporations except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A Republican must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Wow, that’s all very clever. Too bad all those nasty corporations make everything you need to lead your snotty little poser anti capitalist life…
Toaster, you seem to just be trolling. I can explain the humor for you since you seem to have missed it. People were replaced with corporations. Robots with Republicans.
It’s humor. Try using it some time.
I find it interesting that the joke is always it’s always funny when it’s a liberal making the joke. When it’s a conservative, it’s a hate crime.
Trolling a crime too?
Yes, it’s not very funny.
Yes, it’s a very simplistic word-swap that didn’t require any thought beyond, “Duh, Republicans sure like corporations!”
No, you didn’t have to jump down her throat with ad hominem crap to point it out. Leave that kind of shennanigans to Michael Moore.
For some reason, I am no longer getting notifications of comments to the blog (probably because I’ve been inundated with wave after wave of spam lately and our mail server has just had it with anything having to do with this blog), which is why I hadn’t seen these comments.
And what can I say except: wow, I rate my own RNC troll! Thanks, Toaster, I feel so special now.