I know, I know. I’m never around, I never post anything any more. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m tired all the time—if I could, I would nap every day.
My friend Michele speculates that I might be in mourning. Maybe. Maybe I’m just depressed. Maybe I’m just severely lazy and don’t want to do anything. I don’t know.
Back in grade school—it was after we moved to San Francisco, because I remember the school and even the room I was in—a teacher led us through something I would now call “guided visualization.” (Surprisingly, I don’t remember who the teacher was who led us in the visualization.) Why did we do this? I don’t know. I just remember the picture that went through my head of walking down some path, in nature… And whoever was leading the visualization said something like, “…and now you see someone who is very important to you…” And I did! Just like that!
I thought that was the coolest thing.
Flash forward a couple of years. Actually, more than a couple of years; I think Darin and I were already together. I had trouble falling asleep for years and went to a hypnotherapist to see if that would help. She speculated that perhaps I had trouble falling asleep because I had grown up learning to be afraid of someone coming in to my room. I guess the whole “repressed memory” movement was still on. My reaction to her speculation was then and is still now, “Oy.” While doing the hypnotherapy session I definitely went under—so far under I didn’t remember any of the hypnosis part of the session when I left.
I didn’t pursue the hypnotherapy angle because I’d been so annoyed the one hypnotherapist I’d been to see, but I did read about using visualizations for self-hypnosis to put yourself to sleep. I eventually developed this extremely detailed area: I start on a beach, facing the ocean. When I can finally feel myself sitting on the beach towel, on the hot sand, I stand up, turn around, and walk toward the cliffs behind me. I go up the spiral staircase cut into the cliff, lined with onyx and with a silver handrail with tons of carvings in it, until I get to the top. At the top is a giant field, and I basically have three directions I can go: to the east, a forest; to the north, the next cliff, off in the distance, which has a gigantic Ludvigian castle on top of it; or to the west, where the field stretches off until I come to another forest.
I usually don’t make it to the top of the stairs. It was a pretty effective method of getting me to sleep.
Last year I began to be a little stressed out about the move (fancy that) and I went to see a hypnotherapist in Sherman Oaks. I wanted him to make me a tape ostensibly to help with weight loss, but I think he saw through that and made me one about relaxing and feeling less stress. At least, I think he did; I listened to that tape a lot and always blanked out on it. Even when I decided I was going to listen to it just to hear every word, I would zone out until his voice told me to wake up. Evidently I’m the kind of hypnotic client who immediately goes into a comatose state. Either that, or I’m taking every opportunity I can to catch up on my sleep. (There’s some word or phrase that means “goes into hypnotic coma,” but I can’t remember what it is. Ba-da-bum-bum.)
I don’t know if the hypnosis actually worked. That move really stressed me out. But maybe it would have been worse.
I’ve gotten interested again recently in self-hypnosis. Every book I’ve read has told me to make my own tapes, but since I don’t currently own a tape player, I would have to make my own MP3/.wav files, and I haven’t put together the setup for that. So instead I’ve bought some premade scripts. None of them have worked particularly well. A few haven’t even put me under.
But one I got from Audible called “Contacting Your Inner Guide” by Shakti Gawain did work. Well, actually, at first it didn’t: I listened to it and nothing happened. I didn’t get any of the pictures I was supposed to get. There are two sessions: one relaxes you so that you can ask yourself a question and boom: the answer appears in your mind. (This did not happen for me.) The second one has you going to your nature sanctuary, where your “inner guide” appears to help you.
I remembered that visualization exercise from school so long ago, and I really wanted an experience like that. So I listened to the second session on the recording a couple of times, and I couldn’t get it to work. I’d come up with some natural place (that wasn’t my beach with cliffs, because if I used that all I do is fall asleep for the night) and then try to see the person/animal/color/whatever, but nothing ever happened.
Until I decided that I didn’t feel relaxed in the natural setting. What I wanted was a nice cozy manmade retreat. I have a painting that shows the corner of a beachfront property with a long covered patio. It’s the kind of place I dream of having. (Without the hassles of, like, property ownership or anything.) I said, I should imagine myself there. So I did. I walked through my wonderful beachfront house, which strangely had all-white furniture in it (a choice that is simply Right Out when you have kids), and then I settled on to that long covered porch to wait.
And sure enough, when the time in the guided visualization came for someone to show up, a long stretch car something like this only in yellow with the top down comes through the gate toward my house, and out pops a young Joan Collins in a white Givenchy suit with a white wide-brimmed hat (much less frilly than the outfit in that picture) hops out and bounds over to me. She tells me I need to have more fun! more style! I need to remember to enjoy myself more and not be so deadly serious about everything! (I don’t know if she threw a “darling” or two in there, but she should have if she didn’t.)
I don’t know if this was a lifechanging experience. I do know it cracks me up every time I think about it. So maybe Joan did her part in bringing me a little fun.
The hypnotherapist in Sherman Oaks told me about one client he had, a TV writer, with whom he worked on a script in which the writer would watch a TV and the show he wanted to write would come on. All the writer would have to do when he woke up was write down the show he’d just watched.
Maybe I can work my way up to that. But in the mean time, I’m going to have girlfriends over so we can discuss nailpolish colors.
NKA has become pretty yawn-worthy..am taking it off my favourites. anyway, good luck.
Jesus. Is it so important to be nasty that you have to announce that you’ve deleted the link? Why not simply delete the link, quietly?
Sure, it would be nice to see more frequent entries. But I think the frequency is quite reasonable, for someone who is taking care of two children under six who has recently lost a parent.
Sooner or later, I’m sure, I’ll be found out. The word will be out that I went around via Google to the various anti-Bush weblogs, and much like a busy little bee, deposited a comment in those weblogs that allow for such.
At one particular weblog I visited, the blogeuse was at the time in despair. Seemingly, indisputable files documenting Dumb’ya’s misgovernance grow thicker and even more nauseating daily. Nonetheless, his lead in the polls increases. Ya’know, that’s enough to blow anybody’s mind. And so, I asked myself a couple questions. What could be going on? What could be the explanation?
Well, here’s some of the comment I left. “Nobody cares to admit that their country willfully elevated a nincompoop to head of state. And then, not too long after that, the nincompoop went on to suborn contravening the Geneva Convention.
It’s sort’a like admitting tha’cher favorite aunt gets her jollies from ‘communing’ with alligators. Aaay, c’mon, that’s the best way I know how to phrase it … gimme a break. For all we know, the current chairman of the Federal Communications Commission checks up on your website DAILY.”
And here’s the permissible portion of the comment I left.
“Recently, Ted Koppel used his allotment of television time to swirl some sobriety into this country’s awareness of Iraq. As the photos of American service personnel, who had been killed in Iraq, were being displayed, Mr Koppel recited their names. As best I can, in my own small way, I’m trying to emulate the man. And so, I’d like you to consider reading the text for a “state of the union” address that I believe is imperative for this country of ours. To get to it, all you need do is click on the below enclosed U.R.L
By the way, the proprietors of the http://www.BCVoice.com website have provided a couple ways for you to leave your comments.”
Oh Sage, thank you. I am not sweating an anonymous troll whose entire raison d’etre is to be nasty, however.
My not having the time or inclination to own a blog does not automatically make me anonymous.
The mail id is real, the name is real, its just a mail id I dont frequently check because of the spam.
I was not trying to insult anyone- I was stating an opinion about your blog. A blog is open to opinions btw, if you have a comments thread.
But if name-calling is the theme of the day, who is the “anonymous troll”?
let’s see:
overweight, thin-skinned housewife whose previously interesting blog is not really worthwhile anymore,and who took offence at someone having said so? Hmm. Tough question.
And I work, and therefore don’t have time to scroll again and post again.
So signing off. Do continue to be offended and speculate about character behind my back.
Sigh. I don’t know why I’m going to bother, but it’s 6:30 in the morning and I’m waiting to go running.
You have a Yahoo address. (This is a big flag.)
We have never corresponded before.
Your post calls my blog yawnworthy.
You’re a troll, darling.
Ew… I’m sorry you’re getting trolls, Diane.
Personally, I find the issue of guided visualization quite interesting. I was taught to do something similar when I was a child. Sometimes you can feel a lot of stress building up, making your neck all tight, and your head hurt. I was taught to take deep slow breaths and imagine the surface of the ocean. Make the water flat and calm, smooth out all the waves. I’d always end up adding sun and sand after awhile. Maybe some fish. It works, and it IS neat!
(And then there’s the stuff you can do to manage pain, by balling it up into one hot mass and pushing it away from yourself – useful visualization.)
Take care of yourself!
Hello, just stumbled upon your blog. I’ve recently started blogging after a few years of being absent from the scene (ie geocities webpage). I find blogging a relaxing experience; letting my mind wonder and then writing about what shows up!
WOW!! drama drama drama! calm down everybody
hi i agree with poopy pants just calm down everyone!