Thirteen things not to do when you go to see The Passion of the Christ.
My favorite:
Complain about the subtitles. Comment from time to time that you didn’t know this was a “foreign film”. Once or twice, laugh hysterically after a random line in Aramaic and exclaim, “That’s not what he said!”
Is it just me, or are we seeing a fundamental christain awakening in America? I don’t think Time magazine will be running a cover with ‘God is Dead’ in the current atmosphere.
Data Points:
– The Book the ‘Da Vinci Code’ is all the rage
– Mel Gibson’s the Passion of Christ is the talk of the media.
– The administration is pushing a constitutional amendment to exclude people from being married. In theory to protect that institution.
In my ‘water-cooler’ conversations with co-workers, it seems to me that the christians are being more assertive about their religion.
I guess the soma for the masses, or was that the opium or opiate of the masses that the Bush administration is using. Who’d have thought that Bush read marx?
Maybe I’m being overly sensitive. Perhaps the prosleytizing fundamentalist zealots are just hitting my neighborhood harder.
my unsolicited .02. FWIW
Errr…I think the answer to this is much, MUCH longer than a single comment. It’s a blog entry, at least. 🙂
The comments are almost as funny as the original list! Thanks for posting this link – I’ve cribbed it for my own blog.
And actually, I think Frank has a point. From a Canadian perspective, the US does look like it’s going through a distinct shift towards the relgious right. I spend a lot of time feeling rather bemused at the stuff I read in our paper about the US. A constitutional amendment to stop them there gays from marrying each other?? 😮
and on the same note of Frank having a point- don’t forget the Left Behind series was e x t r e m e l y popular!
Thank you very much for suggessting me an idea !