Evidently translates to “Wake up 3:30, be extremely antsy, convince Mom to take you downstairs, hand her the remote control, and watch Toy Story.”
He seemed to have a little fever, so I gave him some Tylenol before we came down here. He’s so totally in love with Woody and Buzz from Toy Story, nothing makes him happier than running around the room with his Buzz doll yelling the rough equivalent of “To infinity! And beyond!”
Thankfully, he is not doing that now. He is quietly watching the movie. I am hoping he zones out.
I, however, want to go graze in the kitchen. What is it about being up in the middle of the night that says, “Go ahead! Eat! It’s a fine time to have your biggest meal of the day, despite (or maybe because) it’s weigh-in day!”
I always manage to be hungry if my sleep is interrupted in the middle, yet I can get up at a normal time and not eat for 3-4 hours. Odd how that works.
>He seemed to have a little fever, so I gave him some Tylenol before we came down here..
Tylenol is great for controlling a fever. Too much can be toxic. I don’t give Tylenol unless there *is* a fever, or severe growing pains. I’d recommend giving *less* then the suggested daily maximum.
Well, his mouth has definitely been bothering him (his canines are coming in, all four at once), so some kind of painkiller is called for…if he’s holding his cheek…and crying…and it’s the middle of the night. What would be better, Infant Motrin? (I don’t usually use painkillers myself.)
I believe the general thought is that motrin or other ibuprofen products are less harmful on the liver. In the case of my own children, it works better for growing pains as well, just a small dose seems to get rid of any weird discomfort items. 🙂
For teething, IIRC there is(was?) a numbing agent you could buy over-the-counter. Anbesol.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and my boys are older (9 & 14) so I’m probably out of touch with current care practices. (A quick search on the web seems to indicate that Anbesol is still in use).
The growing pains seemed to hit my youngest the most between 5 and 7. Things you have to look forward to
I was amazed how much baby care products improved between my two boys, first in 89 and 2nd in 94. – Baby bottles, butt-wipes, diaper improvements, safety locks etc. I bet things have continued to improve.
I didn’t mean to discount Tylenol, just a caution against over-use.
Kind of like I recently heard that the amount of Mercury found in Tuna is high enough that some folks have advised having it no more than once a week….
My doc says, that ibuprofen like pills are not harmful, (in fairy use of course)