One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is learn Latin. Yes, I know: Linguistics degree from Stanford and I’ve never studied Latin. What are universities coming to these days?
If, like me, you don’t have the time to take a Latin class at a nearby university (UCLA Extension, I miss you), you can join me in the online Group Latin Study, which is starting a newbie Latin group in January. You’ll need Wheelock’s Latin and 38 Latin Stories. Join the mailing list and then ignore all the groups that aren’t 2004-Lilac. (All the Latin groups use one channel, but thankfully it seems most people are good about having the appropriate headers on their messages!)
Ave, Caesar. Et cetera.
You’ll really enjoy it, Diane. Though I study Latin at a local independent school, I’ve subscribed to the Latin Study List for about four years and have learned so much from the other members. You might also enjoy – there are fora for Latin, Greek and general conversation for Classics students.
I’ve always wanted to learn oil painting. Never have gotten around to actually doing anything about it though.
Good for you.
As a linguist you know that when you learn a language you learn more than just the language, you gain a different way of thinking, and so with each language learned your vision and understanding broaden.
I sent your link to a friend, and she hopes to join your group.