Man, I so did not even know wine allergies existed.
I had a glass of wine last night—McManis Cabernet Sauvignon to be exact—and not even a whole glass of wine but one of my wimpy half-a-glass deals. And when Simon woke me up at 4 in themorning I thought: I must be coming down with the flu or something. Stuffed nose, itchy eyes, sore throat, and generally feeling as though a steamroller had done its best to flatten me a couple hundred times during the night.
Darin let me sleep in today, and when I was finally conscious I said, Either I am coming down with the worst cold in the world, or there was something about that wine. So I clicked around a bit (the modern answer to every problem!) and discovered wine allergies.
The common question is “Can I be allergic to alcohol?” Although alcohol can be the culprit, it usually is not. The culprits are usually the additives used in the manufacturing process. Some of the possible culprits include:
Brewers yeast
I am: bereft. It took me a while to prefer red wine over white wine (that is, to become a wine snob). And now this!
I assume that if any of those ingredients could cause this allergy then it’s not necessarily the wine that’s caused this head cold. But it’s not the kind of testing I want to do a lot of, you know?
Thank you Gale for your post…the article you quoted really informed me about the different allergens in wines. Here I had been blaming the sulphites for making me sick with severe cold-like symtems every time I indulged. Now I realize that for me, it is the histimines that cause this discomfort. I am going to see if Port will affect me the same way….maybe in a couple weeks after I recover from my lastest sinus-upset! Another thing I have noticed is that since developing this “allergy” in my mid- thirties, alcohol hardly gives me a buzz, and I am not a heavy or regular drinker. I used to be such a lightweight that one glass of something would have me slurring. Anyone else notice this coincidence also?
Thank you Gale for your post…the article you quoted really informed me about the different allergens in wines. Here I had been blaming the sulphites for making me sick with severe cold-like symtems every time I indulged. Now I realize that for me, it is the histimines that cause this discomfort. I am going to see if Port will affect me the same way….maybe in a couple weeks after I recover from my lastest sinus-upset! Another thing I have noticed is that since developing this “allergy” in my mid- thirties, alcohol hardly gives me a buzz, and I am not a heavy or regular drinker. I used to be such a lightweight that one glass of something would have me slurring. Anyone else notice this coincidence also?
I was looking for information on hidden sulphites and came across these postings. I have had a sulpha allergie since I was 16 and can not drink champagne or wine of any kind. It’s been a real bummer at weddings and other social events. I get extreme hives that can come in cycles for weeks. The reason people may not notice it until they are older is because it can take a while to build up resistance in your body. I learned this when a doctor told me they don’t know if it is the next glass of wine I drink or the 100th that could kill me. The reason I became so sensitive at a young age is because a doctor gave me sulpha as an atibiotic. My grandmother was allergic to sulpha and I’ve heard it tends to run in families, especially females. I find it funny that wine websites try to downplay this allergy.
In my experience doctors are very ignorant about this, even allergists. I’ve had mild erythmea nordosum (rash on shins) for a year now and no one can figure out why but that it can be linked to a sulpha allergy. With the list of foods to avoid above maybe now I can start an elimination diet. Thanks Bob.
Thank you, everyone, for your comments, experiences, knowledge, etc. I’ve learned a lot from your postings. I have had day-after symptoms and allergies from drinking white & red wines for a few years now and it seems the late 30s are a common time for these symptoms/allergies to hit hardest (I am 38.) I LOVE red wine especially with a fine dinner and dinner partner, but I am giving myself a 6-week break from wine to see how how my body & health improves. May try the Candida yeast diet as well but I know how strict that is – don’t know if I can stick to it. Thanks again.
I an 49 and in the last 5 years have had gotten severe headaches from just 1/2 glass of wine…whatever wine. Once at CharleyI’s
Crab we ordered a wine w/o Sulfites and I was fine. Since then I found out my allergies. I still get headaches from wine. I never used to. I have all the common year round rhinitis allergies. Mold being one. Would the mold from the barrels cause headaches. I never sneeze or have runny nose, just headaches. So, I thought buying another bottle of non-sulfite wine would do the trick and I wouldn’t geet sick. Should it be white or red? I take Rx Allergy pill each day and get allergy short 2x a month down from once a week for a year. I’m sick of getting headaches when I’m trying to have fun. It took me 5 days to get ove 2 glasses of wine the last time. Would straight vodka be better as somebody mentioned above. Or a different alcohol? Suggestions?
I am 49 and in the last 5 years have had gotten severe headaches from just 1/2 glass of wine…whatever wine. Once at Charley’s
Crab we ordered a wine w/o Sulfites and I was fine. Since then I found out my allergies. I still get headaches from wine. I never used to. I have all the common year round rhinitis allergies. Mold being one. Would the mold from the barrels cause headaches. I never sneeze or have runny nose, just headaches. So, I thought buying another bottle of non-sulfite wine would do the trick and I wouldn’t get sick. Should it be white or red? I take Rx Allergy pill each day and get allergy shots 2x a month, down from once a week for a year. I’m sick of getting headaches when I’m trying to have fun. It took me 5 days to get over 2 glasses of wine the last time. Would straight vodka be better, as somebody mentioned above or is there a drink I could have that may not cause a problem with my allergies?
Or a different alcohol? Suggestions? Thanks so much.
What about cooking with wine? If I marinate or cook with wine, will my mother-in-law, who is allergic to wine, get sick?
Hey there,
just wanted to point out there is no relationship between sulphonamides and sulfiting agents. Be VERY careful at the pharmacist because I have been given sulfited drugs, as I was labelled as having a sulfonamide allergy.
Also, I was diagnosed with this allergy when i was 20 after fainting spells, vomiting a lot and having trouble catching my breath all the time. The last major outbreak i had was after drinking beer.. the beer itself is fine, however, the lines at the restaurant were flushed with a cleanser. After 3 glasses, i passed out and was violently ill for several days.
THe finaly note is to be aware that epipens contain sulfites, as does the epinephrine provided in emergency. When I was last there, due to someone putting mayo on my sandwich, they had to give me benedryl. The only sulfite-free epinephrine is in an inhaler or else I believe that anaesthatists also use an injectable one that is safe. (please note the inhaler is not available in Canada because it contains PCBs, which are a banned propellant up here)
For a list of sulfite containings drugs, your doctor should have a pharmaceutical compedium with purple pages at the back
other than that, the only other advice i have is to stay away from ALL junk foods. Canadian food labelling laws do not require sulfites to be listed on the packaging. When travelling, remember food prep laws change. in the US, vegetables, such as chopped iceberg lettuce and salad bars contain sulfites. In Canada, treating vegetables or any food containing B group vitamins is banned.
Hope that is of some use!
Hey there,
just wanted to point out there is no relationship between sulphonamides and sulfiting agents. Be VERY careful at the pharmacist because I have been given sulfited drugs, as I was labelled as having a sulfonamide allergy.
Also, I was diagnosed with this allergy when i was 20 after fainting spells, vomiting a lot and having trouble catching my breath all the time. The last major outbreak i had was after drinking beer.. the beer itself is fine, however, the lines at the restaurant were flushed with a cleanser. After 3 glasses, i passed out and was violently ill for several days.
THe finaly note is to be aware that epipens contain sulfites, as does the epinephrine provided in emergency. When I was last there, due to someone putting mayo on my sandwich, they had to give me benedryl. The only sulfite-free epinephrine is in an inhaler or else I believe that anaesthatists also use an injectable one that is safe. (please note the inhaler is not available in Canada because it contains PCBs, which are a banned propellant up here)
For a list of sulfite containings drugs, your doctor should have a pharmaceutical compedium with purple pages at the back
other than that, the only other advice i have is to stay away from ALL junk foods. Canadian food labelling laws do not require sulfites to be listed on the packaging. When travelling, remember food prep laws change. in the US, vegetables, such as chopped iceberg lettuce and salad bars contain sulfites. In Canada, treating vegetables or any food containing B group vitamins is banned.
Hope that is of some use!
some useful links
I refer to Kate’s comments posted on 25 Feb 04. I have been drinking boh red & white wine for years I I ocansionally have a reaction similar to the one described by Kate. I refer mainly to the hot flushes in the face (people say I look like a burns victim!). I usually have this with white wine, but it can occur with both. I have noted that it is usually with cheaper wines. I have been told that one way to overcome or reduce this is by holding your finger over the top of the wine, shaking it and then releasing your finger from the top which apparently expels some of the sulpher present in the wine. Best bet however is to steer away completely from cheap wines (red or white). Personally I prefer full bodied aged reds high in alcohol content (14-14.5%). I refer to Cab Sav; Shiraz and a favourite of mine Durif. Good Luck.
just came back from wine country with my husband. we tasted and drank lots and lots of wine for a few days, more than we typically drink. his hands started swelling, legs and feet too, and a rash all over his body, except for his face. it’s gone away now, lasted just a couple of days. has anyone ever heard of a one-time-only rash from prolonged overindulgence?
I too have a flushed warm face when I drink wine.Usually just the first glass or so , then it goes away. The next morning red itchy eyes and snezing stuffy nose. This doen’t happen when I drink other things.
Does anybody know whether extra strength vodka (such as blue label)or Gin (duty free)contains any additives that I could be allergic to? I have been trying to find out what causes me to break out in terrible itchy hives and the only link I can think of is every time I have had extra strength spirits or perhaps cheap ones. Could I be right?
I have a regular reaction to Red Wine. Diarrhea The one thing I’ve done is drink a dose of Pepto Bismal before I go out. I find this allows me to enjoy my dinner and wine with minimal diarrhea.
I am 41 and have always enjoyed a couple glasses of wine every couple of weeks. About 8 weeks ago I began getting vilently ill (vomiting) after 2 glasses of white wine (expensive wine). I has gotten worse on each of the past 4 occasions. I will never drink wine again, it is so severe. My concern is what is causing it so I do not have this reaction to any other foods. I take no prescription meds. Only a multivitamin daily. I suggestions from anyone?
I am 41 and have always enjoyed a couple glasses of wine every couple of weeks. About 8 weeks ago I began getting vilently ill (vomiting) after 2 glasses of white wine (expensive wine). I has gotten worse on each of the past 4 occasions. I will never drink wine again, it is so severe. My concern is what is causing it so I do not have this reaction to any other foods. I take no prescription meds. Only a multivitamin daily. I suggestions from anyone?
Anyone get dry mouth syndrome from red wine?
Would drinking white wine make my hands, fingers, and almost all joints hurt?
I drink wine almost everyday and have started having my hands hurt more than ever…
Hi I had red wine twice in my life. I have realised that I am allergic to it. I had rash on tongue, gums and all other sensitive parts.
can you please suggest me any medicine to cure this?
When I drink a Red Table Wine, inexpensive, I develop a red face around my eyes. There is also a “burning” feeling associated with the redness. The wine that did it tonight was a French Syrah. I will have to experiment with a Cab. next.
Whenever I drink any wine or champagne my lips start itching and swelling and turning red. I also get blotches around my lips and face. My stomach feels as if it becomes very acidic and my mouth starts watering constantly from the acidic feeling. I try to eat crackers and drink lots of water but it usually doesnt go away for atleast a few hours. Is this an allergy to sulfites??
When I drink wine (of any color) I get violently ill in the middle of the night and the whole next day. I get a huge headache after one glass as well as a stomach ache, nausea, blurry vision and my heart rate speeds up… The allergist told me to stick to soda!!!
When I drink wine (of any color) I get violently ill in the middle of the night and the whole next day. I get a huge headache after one glass as well as a stomach ache, nausea, blurry vision and my heart rate speeds up… The allergist told me to stick to soda!!!
I have been drinking red wine for the past 2 years – recently everytime I drink wine my stomach starts to bloat really bad and this is very uncomfortable when out with friends. Does this happen to anyone else?
I was wondering about the allergies to wine myself. I have drank red wine off and on for over 5 years. Over the last year I have started to drink it more frequently and have noticed an increase in sinus infections and my asthma. I had no idea that red wine could cause this until I started using a nasal spray that listed red wine as an allergen.
I think I’m allergic to wine. I have suffered over a year with burning red irritated lips a day or two after I have wine. Both upper and lower lips swell and sting whenever I brush my teeth or anything acidic touches my lips.This can last for a week or more.
This is really a great site. I commented Jan 10th 2004 and feeling better. still not sure what exactly was going on.. may be more than the wine for me. I did try Bonterra Merlot 2001 (an organically grown wine) 4 bottles in a week for evry other day. This was 3-27-2004- guess i was pushing it. had no obvious problems, so will stick to organic. Please reply if there were any trials that worked. hope i at least helped someone and myself. i will keep everyone updated on my condition.. take care – peter
OOPS.. WRONG PETER, I posted 2-14-2004.. Thanks!
When I drink white wine – especially cheap white wine/champagne – my fingers get swollen and all the joints in my body ache. And even after a small amount (4 oz. glass) of wine at dinner and lots of water besides I have night sweats and invariably wake up at 3 a.m. and cannot get back to sleep. My doctor tested me for possible causes, including arthritis, Hepatitis, etc. and couldn’t find anything. Experiment: The last two weeks I didn’t have any wine or any form of alcohol and then last night I drank some (cheap) champagne and, voilà, achy joints and swollen fingers and insomnia at 3 in the morning. Fairly conclusive test results, wouldn’t you all agree?
I drink atleast 1 bottle of red wine every day. For quite some time now I keep getting sores in my mouth. Anyone know if this could be related to wine / sulfites alergy? and if so is there any treatment? otc medication etc.. Thanks for any help
I drink atleast 1 bottle of red wine every day. For quite some time now I keep getting sores in my mouth. Anyone know if this could be related to wine / sulfites alergy? and if so is there any treatment? otc medication etc.. Thanks for any help
for about 10 years i drank red wines…loved to discover a new grape, a new vineyard, etc..then soemone turned me onto chardonnays. i fell in love with La Crema brand. I was drinking a few glasses about 5x per week. now recenlty, i am developing ANNOYING sinus problems, itchy throat and sneezes. two nights in a row i drank no wine. i started clearing up. last night, i had 2 glasses of my old standby La Crema. today i can’t breathe thru my nose!
In the last year I have developed a severe reaction to white wine and champage. The other day I had one glass of champagne, woke up the next day with terrible headache and vomited until I had to be taken to the emergency room for a shot to end it. But red wines are fine so must be an additive in white wines – but which one? The cheaper wines and champagne are the worst.
I believe the sulfites in wine may be the culprit behind my 10 years of COLITIS. I came to this idea due to two factors; 1. I have an allergy to sulfa based medications and two; that I have been symptom free for the past 17 months – while pregnant and breast feeding therefore my wine consumption dropped to nearly nothing. My colitis cleared up shortly after discovering I was pregnant and I was glad because I really didn’t want to take my daily meds while pregnant. So I stopped taking them. At first I thought it was probably pregnancy hormones that were keeping my colitis at bay, then after the baby was born I figured the breast feeding kept up the hormones. But then I took some vacations and weaned the baby.
First vacation I had 1 small glass of wine nearly every night for two weeks. By then end of the trip my symptoms came back. I went home, took my med for a week and they were gone again and stayed gone. I stopped the meds because I was breastfeeding. (previously I took my meds only because the doctor said I should even though they never seemed to do anything) Second vacation for 3 weeks, during that time I had a glass of wine every night. By the end of the trip my symptoms were back. I returned home took my meds for a week or two. Symptoms gone. Stopped meds to see what would happen since I had also weaned the baby. I also stopped drinking wine bacause now I suspected it. Low and behold, I am once again symptom and med free.
Interestingly, my colitis started after college when I was living with my parents in the wine country for two years. I started drinking wine every night at dinner with my parents and developed quite a liking for it and continued to drink it on a regular basis after moving out.
Needless to say, I am really disappointed that wine may be the culprit – but very happy to have possibly figured out what was causing this stressful disease.
My allergy is a rapid heartbeat when I drink most red wines. And I don’t like white wine! I know it’s the sulfites, because I have the same reaction to dried apricots and molasses-containing foods, etc.
Recently wine has been making me really sick to my stomach just like some of you have said. If it is the sulfites, then what else should I avoid? Thanks so much
I usually drink dry white wine. After many years I have noticed that 1 or 2 glasses makes me unusually DRUNK. Vodka has no effect. My words become slurred and I act obnoxious when drinking wine. What ingredient in white wine goes straight to my brain. 4 or 5 vodkas and I am not impaired in the least. (Of course, I would never drive having drunk like this.
Friday, 4 days ago I drank a white wine. I don’t know what kind of wine, but the expensive one. Only a tiny half cup. An hour later I asked if anyone get dizzy, no one experienced it. Soon, dizzy gone. The next day, as usual, my skin rash a little bit. I’m OK.
But then in the night time….
My skin rash a lot. To make it worse, it goes to the bones. My right hand, elbow, foot were so painful. feels like rheumatic. The next 2 days pain gone a little, but my right hand and foot become a sort of limp. My left hand a little limp.
The third day, limp is gone a little. But since 3 days ago, the rash wasn’t getting any better. Now is the I’m very itchy all over my body.
Now, Tuesday night. I feel itchy and all of my skin is red.
I don’t know what to do.
That night I drank wine and eat shrimp. But I’m not allergic to shrimp at all, I eat shrimp a lot, all the time.
But, I normally allergic to wine, normally if I drink/sip wine, I lost my voice the next day, and rash a little. But never been this bad.
Ow, Itch.. itch…
With a small sip of wine of any kind I get itchy on the corner of my mouth, and inside my mouth. The roof of my mouth also gets itchy. Once I had severely itchy palms of the hands. Wondering if anyone else experiences these symptoms and if it is from the sulphites. Pat
I just got out of the hospital, for a severe allergic reaction to Vodka. The first night, I got reasonably drunk and woke up the next day with a rash. Accompanied by extremely itchy hands. It went away by the afternoon and I decided to finish the bottle of vodka. 8-11 hours later my throat closed and I couldn’t breathe, had “hives” all over me. They rushed me to emergency where I spent 6 hours struggling to breathe and getting IV’d many things. I’ll never drink again
You guys have done me so much good, you cant imagine. I did not know that allergies to wine existed!! I knew I am allergic to pollen and dust and lots of unknowns in the air (which I developed in Europe) but not to wine. I have been taking lots of white wine and I would develop breathing problems in the night, stuffed nose etc so I decided to try red wine. It gave me even worse reactions!! Now I know I am indeed allergic to wine! I am not sure if I should turn to beer instead (scared of similar problems)my husband tried to persuade me to try some beer this evening but I have decided to abstain from any alcohol… a difficult decision but I will try to abstain… after reading all your contributions, it appears to be the only solution
Just come across this site and can’t believe there are so many people like me. Up until 2 years ago i often drank wine (red and white). Then at christmas i went out to a party and i had a few bottles of beer then i decided to have a glass of white wine, immediatley after drinking the whole wine i began to feel sick, my mouth became really dry, my lips were tingling and and i felt really hot and weak. I though i must have been coming down with a virus. i then continued to drink wine over the christmas period and was fine but on New Years Eve i went to a pub and ordered a glass of wine, i had only taken one sip and i expereinced the same symptoms. Since this time i have never drank wine but i am begining to crave a glass. After reading the posts on here i believe i may have an allergy to wine but i am begining to crave a glass, does anybody have any advice on the best sulfite free wines that are available in the UK.
This site it enlightening! I’m still in the “testing” process. I’ve been a Chardonnay drinker for many years, mainly California. After the birth of my daughter in November, I went back to drinking wine. I don’t drink a drop during pregnancy. I’d had some reds and whites during the holidays, and had no problems.
About two months ago I started the South Beach Diet to lose the baby weight. After a few weeks on the diet, I treated myself to a few glasses of Shiraz, as South Beach is “ok” with red wine on the program. When I went to sleep, I was fine. A few hours later, I was up with an “itching” feeling under my ribs, itching eyes which swelled up to slits, and the stuffy nose.
In a million years, I didn’t think it was the wine. The next night, I had a glass from the same bottle. Same reaction, and worse, my throat started to close up and I felt asthma-like symptoms. (lol – I only had children’s Benadryl, and had to practically “chug” the bottle….yuck)
I had asthma as a child, but outgrew, and have very mild seasonal allergies. NEVER had a reaction before… Wonder what the trigger is?? Was it the removal of alcohol from my diet for so long, was it the chemical reaction of having little carbs in my current diet….
I’m stumped, and disappointed…. had the puffy eyes from some chardonnay, but the whites seem to vary in reaction by brand.
What about cork vs. synthetic cork? The wines I had reactions to had synthetic corks…. maybe it was just because the were cheaper….probably the histamines. Just weird that some are bothersome, some are not…
I want my wine back!!!
I get little painful red sores on the inside of my nose the day after drinking red wine. I guess they’re like fever blisters.
have been indulging in red wine for just over 18 months, 1 to two glasses a night, of reasonable quality. have for over twelve months have had swollen and sore salivery glands. have had tests to no avail. question, has anyone experienced anything that resembles this condition. your response will be much appreciated.
I believe I had an allergic reaction to Vodka (Smirnoff). I ordered a Cosmopolitan at the bar and drank it. As soon as i finished the drink, i began to feel hot and wanted to pass out. Instead of passing out, I went blind for about 15 minutes. My boyfriend says my eyes were fully dilated and bloodshot. I regained my vision, but i was left with an extremely scratchy throat and hives throughout my entire body. Please respond if anyone has had these symptoms.
I drank a (very cheap) sparkling rose the other night and experienced a swollen, itchy tongue and throat which faded after ~15 minutes. I visited an allergist to find out what caused the problem, and she told me I am allergic to dairy, wheat yeast and histamines; however, I have NEVER had any reaction to foods containing those items before or since. (I haven’t touched wine since then). Has anyone else had this experience? Thanks
Is anyone finding answers to their questions posted here?
in case answers *are* being found and posted…
has anyone heard of an allergy to peanut butter making someone’s hands hurt? Hurt as if the person has arthritis, but actually doesn’t have arthritis…