While searching my referrer logs, I discovered a link from an Interface Design Class, Spring 2001.
The sites in this list were nominated as either best or worst interfaces by students in the Interface Design Class, Spring 2001. Teams of students ranked sites as best/worst overall and best/worst in categories corresponding to the 8 Golden Rules of Interface Design presented in (Shneiderman,1998).
So what did NKA get? A best? A worst? (This was in Spring 2001, so pre-Movable Type site. I don’t even remember what the page looked like, frankly.)
The site’s #46: What is it?
Now, that just hurts. What is it? Ouch.
Well you know what they say about publicity. It’s interesting to note that out of all the sites listed, the only others that showed up as having been visited by me were google and imdb.com