I was reading this entry in the Taking Children Seriously blog when I ran across the phrase “one block stork margarine.”
What is “stork margarine”?
Update 7/31/05: Annnnnnnnd…we’re done. I don’t know why this is the favorite target entry of morons who want to post stupid things, but no one else gets to post now either!
Stork is a brand of margarine in Britain. (And if y’all don’t have margarine in your part of the world, it’s a butter substitute derived from vegetable oils.)
I have a Stork margerine recepie book which my mother gave me before I got married 33 years ago, and have been usiing it ever since, Needless to say, I have always used Stork in all my baking and cooking, as I have found nothing else that comes close to it’s taste and texture in baking and making pastry.
However, I was wondering if I can obtain any new receipe books, as this one is now quite worn. I would appreciate it if you told me how to be able to get any new Stork receipe book.
I am writing to you from Malta.
Thanks in advance,
Mary Galea
1 Clarendon Court,
Reggie Miller Street,
Gzira, GZR 05
I have a Stork margerine recepie book which my mother gave me before I got married 33 years ago, and have been usiing it ever since, Needless to say, I have always used Stork in all my baking and cooking, as I have found nothing else that comes close to it’s taste and texture in baking and making pastry.
However, I was wondering if I can obtain any new receipe books, as this one is now quite worn. I would appreciate it if you told me how to be able to get any new Stork receipe book.
I am writing to you from Malta.
Thanks in advance,
Mary Galea
1 Clarendon Court,
Reggie Miller Street,
Gzira, GZR 05
I found this site because I am desperating trying to find an updated of the Stork Recipe book, as mentioned in the previous email from the lady in Malta. I got my Stork Recipe book when I was in Grammar School 1970! Needless to say it is well worn and tattered, but I use it all the time and would love a copy to pass on to my daughter, who is now 21.
I look forward to any information you may have about obtaining an updated version of the brilliant Stork Recipe Book.
Elaine Lord
I went to school of stork science when I was growing up
and it opened my eyes into the real world
Of margarine
once i found stork there was no looking back
I never touched Echo again
a truly madly deeply stork fan
I used to have a book called Stork Kitchen Secrets, and from moving I lost it. Please tell me how and where can I obtain one.
I would love a copy of the stork recipe book – how do I go about getting one – I live in Cape Town, South Africa
My wife is looking to obtain a stork receipe book
Can you please advise
I need a copy of the latest stork recipe booklet. How can I obtain one?
my wife has 2 books one is the stork wartime cookery book by susan croft the other is the art if home cooking by the stork cookery service kildare house dorset rise london that one is falling apart hard to read been used for years
I used the Stork recipe book soince 1965, when first at senior school, where i won it has anyone any ideas where you can get a replacement ???
Please I need to have the address and phone/fax numbers of the manufaturers of stork margarine in south Africa, Uk and the Netherlands.
Merci Bien
I am desparatley looking for The Stork recipe book from the 1950s In this book is a recipe for Cherry Mince Pies. They were made from Mince meat plus a Tin of Red cherries in a saucepan with cornflour.The pies had pastry shell filled with the above mixture and with meringe circleon the top.Has any one got the recipe as we have lost the book.
It is for my 90 year old mother who wants to make them again
My wife works and runs a DELI for a large supermarket group and enjoys baking and cooking.
Please can you help with a recipe book
Thank you
Have used Stork Block margarine for years with great success but this week, great dissapointment! Unale to get block marg. I bought soft Stork in a tub, not nearly as good. Sponge cake did not rise well and coffee butter icing was far too soft. Will not make the same mistake again!
The “Art of Home Cooking” is available. I had a copy 33 years ago when at school and got a replacement that is as good as it was then. Contact the Stork careline phone nyumber UK 0800454050 for an order form. The cost of the book is 2.99
I just want to know about the Stork family. My branch here in Canada lost touch after my grandfather died in the fifties. Sorry to say that to the North American taste Stork margarine doesn’t please the patate. Do nope to, though, to hear from family.
I have recently been advised to try a lactose free diet and would be very interested in getting a copy of the stork recipe book. Can anyone help? Also does anyone know if all margarines have no milk products or butter in them?
Thanks to anyone who can help
I am looking for an empty Stork Margarine block wrapper(empty)in good condition or a tub (empty) for my display as I own a proof set of Stuck Margarine parody art for Irish Wacky Packages stickers from Topps Chewing Gum Co. I would be willing to pay for it and for reasonable shipping cost. I cannot get this product in USA. I would appreciate any help from anyone who has one of the affore mentioned items from Stork Margarine.
Thank You !! John Kennedy Pittsburgh, Pa USA
For all of you who are confused about the Stork margarine here is the breakdown on it. There are 4 products in the Stork Range as ff.
STORK BAKE: it is only meant for baking nothing else, it comes in 500g and 1kg bricks
STORK SPREAD: as the name say it’s just for that ONLY it comes in 500g bricks and 5oog nad 1kg tubs
STORK CULLINESSE: it has less fat than any other margarine it can be used for frying, roasting, baking and cooking, it’s good for diabetic people. it is in a liquid form it is found the margarine aisle, it should be kept in a fridge after openning.
STORK CREMENDOUS: it is a good substitute for cream it can be kept in a fridge for up to 9 days in a fridge after opening, it comes in 25og and 500g cartoons , it’s also found in the supermarket fridges.
no more complains again about Stork again, T
Stork Margarine are runnig some freebies competition, if you buy 500ml or 2*250ml stork cremendous products to send in your details and they will send you a guess what everybody……..STORK CREMENDOUS RECIPE BOOK, yes, finally a recipe book everybody have been looking for.
Free Gift
Box 4117
The Square
You must attach a till slip and put in your post detail and your name and phone number.
You’ll stand a chance of winning a 18pc set of Bastille cookware.
I would love a copy of the hard cover Stork recipe book. How do I go about getting one I live in East London.
Many thanks
hi, Liz
Since u are in South Africa maybe i can help.i have just received my Stork cremendous recipe book, i found a page that u have to fill in in the June True Love magazine, u can get it in all book stores and post it and they will send the booklet to u.
always only use stork and bake
My friend has a chip van and only uses Stork on her raw chips – it’s the best ever
Yes Stork is amazing on chips, its just the best colour. My friend was thinking about making stork ice lollies, sounds weird but im sure it will be a hit and definately not cancelled.
I think stork is the only thing worth its margarine. My jim loves it on his ham sandwiches. It even says so in the bible, chapter 17 verse 4.
I have a love interest called Ian, him and both of his kids are crazy for stork on toast, and stork sandwiches. Its not available in many shops down here in walford. Stork is also delicious in mashed potatoes.
Here in the States we like to import stork especially for Christmas. We like to grind up ryvitas and stork on our raw chips – it’s a special occasion after all.
Hi everyone,
I have this friend called Anthea, and when I was staying at her house, she made me some toast and scampi. We had ten bits each.
The toast was like a sponge which had been dipped in melted stork. It was all down my face!! Never tasted somethin that reminds me of being on my holidays – sounds silly I know. Its cheap as chips, I’m always saying that. My other friend says I don’t say that, but he’s just spoiling my fun. Ah-leeeee.
Anyway, Anthea’s recipe for success is using stork to fry up her eggs in the morning. I just want something ‘plain’. Bov.