I don’t particularly like fast food. I have nothing against eating out (obviously), but I’ve never been one for fast food.
I remember the day I discovered the drive-thru—I think I’d been working at Apple for a couple of years already. I was thirsty and discovered you could get a drink without leaving your car! Pretty cool.
When I take the kids out for lunch, usually we go to a “fast casual” place like Bakers Square or Mimi’s Cafe or something. I’ve taken them to McDonald’s four times that I can remember, all within the past few months: 1)in May, on our drive up the coast from LA when we were moving; 2)in June, when I took the kids down to LA for a few days; 3)in July, when I was exhausted and just had to find some place quick to take them; and 4)a few days ago, we got some Happy Meals for them and a salad for me and went to the Y to eat.
What amazes me isi how passionate Sophia is about McDonald’s. I don’t know why. It scares me, actually.
Last week, she was sleepy and saying she wasn’t hungry…until she saw where I was heading, and then she was perky and eager and very, very hungry. And then on Friday after school she started complaining that she was hungry and wanted chicken and fries, so I began wondering where we could go…and she said, “I saw a place back there. It has a big M.”
Okay, frightened now.
Is it the toys? The colors? I’m pretty sure it’s not the food—I would hope Sophia knows from decent chicken by now.
Clearly, I am never taking them to McDonald’s again. This is no great hardship for me. It’s just weird to have to decide to do that.
“Is it the toys? The colors?”
I need to know the answer to this too. Like you, I have rarely taken my kid there. Maybe twice in the last year. Doesn’t matter though: she’s crazy about it. Actually, her brand recognition skills in general are disturbing. We don’t even have TV but she recognizes Hot Wheels, Barbie, Blockbusters, etc. The Man is winning.
Resistance is futile. Besides, they make pretty tasty fries.
Argh. I hope this isn’t what I have to look forward to in a couple of years! We’ve been purposefully avoiding fast food as well, even though Vic is only Simon’s age.
McDonald’s is very kid-friendly, and I think that might be what the kids respond to. There are cartoon characters on the walls, there are special kids’ meals that have toys in them, and in many McDonald’s, there is a play area where you can climb and slide and jump in a ball pit. Come on, what kid wouldn’t love that?
The commercials are also very kid-centered. I don’t know how much TV your kids watch, but if they’ve ever seen a McDonald’s commercial, that might be playing into it as well.
Personally speaking, I always said that when I had kids, we would never get fast food, because it’s so unhealthy. Reality: we get fast food lunch about once a week, usually at Wendy’s. I don’t feel particularly guilty about it, either. Maybe I should, but I don’t. Fries and nuggets once a week isn’t going to kill the kid, particularly when he gets a really healthy diet for all the rest of his meals.