In case you haven’t seen these images before, Nobody Died When Clinton Lied is a pretty cool site. My hat is off to the brave souls who posted these signs. (via Talk Left)
Ummm.. brave? For putting up leftist signs in California? Please.
If they were posting things like these in Iraq (anti-Hussein, of course) in 2002, maybe then they’d be brave. If they were holding anti-union signs in front of union thugs, then they’d be brave. If they showed up in the audience for WWE Raw wearing a pink tutu and a sign that said “Gays in the Military NOW”, that would be brave. But this? This is like calling the Dixie Chicks brave for hiding in England and off-handedly commenting on something that they thought no one at home would ever hear about.
And as about the context of the sign… have we forgotten the overhyped “ethnic cleansing” reports that got us into Bosnia, which are now allowing them to carry out “cleansing” on a grander scale? Thank you, but even if Bush lied, he’s created a negative amounts of deaths. 3000 per month under Hussein vs. far less today, and with the Ba’athists under the guns instead of holding them. Hurray for such a lie! (I’ve yet to be convinced he’s lied about Iraq yet. There was salesmanship, for sure, but the only false statements I’ve seen yet involve people taking his quotes out of context.)
I used to think leftie activism was cute and maybe even warranted in a balance-the-scales sort of way. But now it sickens me to see so many people upset for what boils down to the fact that Saddam isn’t in charge anymore. And the media buys into it, as if they’re hoping for an actual Vietnam redux. When Democrat Congressmen are saying the negative coverage is completely out of step with what’s actually happening, you know something’s terribly wrong. (You might even like that article, it’s not forgiving of the administration at all.)
Ummm.. brave? For putting up leftist signs in California? Please.
If they were posting things like these in Iraq (anti-Hussein, of course) in 2002, maybe then they’d be brave. If they were holding anti-union signs in front of union thugs, then they’d be brave. If they showed up in the audience for WWE Raw wearing a pink tutu and a sign that said “Gays in the Military NOW”, that would be brave. But this? This is like calling the Dixie Chicks brave for hiding in England and off-handedly commenting on something that they thought no one at home would ever hear about.
And as about the context of the sign… have we forgotten the overhyped “ethnic cleansing” reports that got us into Bosnia, which are now allowing them to carry out “cleansing” on a grander scale? Thank you, but even if Bush lied, he’s created a negative amounts of deaths. 3000 per month under Hussein vs. far less today, and with the Ba’athists under the guns instead of holding them. Hurray for such a lie! (I’ve yet to be convinced he’s lied about Iraq yet. There was salesmanship, for sure, but the only false statements I’ve seen yet involve people taking his quotes out of context.)
I used to think leftie activism was cute and maybe even warranted in a balance-the-scales sort of way. But now it sickens me to see so many people upset for what boils down to the fact that Saddam isn’t in charge anymore. And the media buys into it, as if they’re hoping for an actual Vietnam redux. When Democrat Congressmen are saying the negative coverage is completely out of step with what’s actually happening, you know something’s terribly wrong. (You might even like that article, it’s not forgiving of the administration at all.)