Hey Steve — I was just at Costco with my kids. We went to the kids’ software aisle. Okay, not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, what with the grunting and the pointing and the shrieking (and that’s just the other shoppers there—bah-dum-bum-bum).
There was a lot of software there, most of which my daughter wanted and most of which we couldn’t get because it runs under Windows only. Yeah, I’m a Mac owner; I’m used to that.
I wasn’t quite expecting it with the Pixar software, dude.
Could you look into this? Find out why a couple of the Pixar titles are available on Windows only? I hear you have some pull with the Pixar people, so maybe you can get them to expand their damn software line to include Macintosh, eh?
A Mom. And Mac Owner.
He usually reads his email.