Short version: Darin and I give it two thumbs up.
Pirates, cursed gold, swashbuckling, Johnny Depp as a completely bonkers and wonderful pirate, and Orlando Bloom finally, finally, finally a brunet. (Blonds have zero appeal for me. I don’t know why that is, but it’s always been true.)
It’s overlong but hilarious. We had a great time. Johnny Depp is wonderful as the pirate who’s described as being not unlike Keith Richards, but since I don’t know what Keith Richards is supposed to be like, I don’t know what that means. I do know that Captain Jack Sparrow is one of the most fun characters to come down the pike for a while.
Damn, it’s so much fun to watch a movie where there’s an actual story. And how depressing is it that those movies are few and far between?
(And if you’re wondering which exchanges were in the movie and which were ad-libbed, check out Ted Elliott’s post on Wordplay about it. Short answer: 99% of them were in the script.)
Well, hopefully you know that Keith Richards is a member of the Rolling Stones. π I suggest:
… to find out what he’s like. And knowing Johnny Depp, I’m sure he nailed the performance. Of course, I haven’t seen Pirates yet, although my son saw it without me on Friday. The little weasel. π
I saw it and was blown away! Of course I expected him to do a great job, because Johnny Depp is a master at getting under your skin with his characters. Fantastic movie, I’ve seen it three times! Hilarious and amazing every time I go! π And you bet he nailed the performance. I love Keith Richards, he’s my favorite guy on the planet, so mixing that with my favorite actor and the fact that I’ve always loved pirates! Woo hoo! What more could a girl ask for?! π
Saw it Sunday. Amazingly funny all round with fine performances. Depp is his generation’s Character Actor, no doubt about it.
For yet another viewpoint, the bright and aware and clever Silicon Valley teenagers in and around my household (ages 16 & 17) didn’t like it at all. Their lukewarm-at-best reviews have convinced me to stay away. YMMV.
Haven’t seen it, but you know you’re old when you watch a preview and you’re a lot more excited about the 40 year old character actor than the pretty 26 year old.
i loved it also!! If anyone knows a link to find the script for the movie please e-mail me!!
As soon as Depp walked on the screen and spoke his first words, as a big Rolling Stones fan, I knew exactly where he got his inspiration for the character (Keith Richards). And he did a great job of it.
I havent seen it yet, but i seriously am gagging to watch it asap. I love johnny depp, so watching him in this movie will be a bonus for me. Plus ive heard the reviews and for the most part they seem to be very positive.
“Damn, it’s so much fun to watch a movie where there’s an actual story. And how depressing is it that those movies are few and far between?”
God bless Netflix. Well worth the $40/month subscription.
ever since i first saw Johnny Depp on piarates of the caribian i have had a crush on him so if he is watching this page WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!
my email address is my name is Amy thorpe.
Amy Thorpe
Though I’m Depps age, I’ve never really been a fan of any of his movies through the years. Not that I disliked them, just never watched them.
Of course, I have heard lots about him, but that was about it.
However, POTC was a fun and thrilling movie, mad super special and entertaining by Captian Jack Sparrow!!!
I am now a Johnny Depp fan! I loved the movie and have seen it 3 times since!
Sometimes a character is created on paper that has potential to be great. Then an actor, just the right actor,portrays it and it magically takes on a life of its own.
Captian Jack Sparrow is Johnny Depp, or is it vice versa? At least it seems that way, for a couple of hours!!
A perfect example of perfect casting! No one could have done it better!!