I’ve pledged money for both WampumBlog and Paper Bent for Blogathon 2003. Why? I don’t know. There are plenty of worthy blogathoners out there, and if they’re willing to sit there and blog for twenty-four hours straight, they’re welcome to do so. A
Skimble has a neat little summary of the heist of a lifetime. If there is a spot o’ truth to this “river of light” story, it needs to be investigated and revealed post haste.
Calpundit’s entry about medical malpractice—and how people testifying about it can change their stories rather drastically once they’re made accountable for them—is required reading.
John Scalzi has a nice little essay/rant on what being a professional writer means in regard to criticism—to paraphrase using the words of a recent episode of “Monk,” Suck it up. And he’s right. If you think this is hard, you ain’t seen nothing yet. (My professional writer experience consists solely at this point of being a tech writer at Apple, and it was as true there.)
If you want to be loved, have a blog. Oh wait.
(I’ve read Natalia’s followup, and she makes a good point: this is her journal; she was writing about her feelings. Fair enough. But I’ve been in enough writing classes/workshops/seminars to know how the vast majority of people react to criticism, and it’s not with the detachment they’re going to need to whether writing professionally. I know how I deal with getting criticized on my writing, and I have a much stronger sense of self-esteem than most when it comes to my writing. So John’s reaction is not at all from left field.)
A couple of people have now written to ask why my right-hand column (which contains my list o’links, among other things) doesn’t show up in Mozilla. I don’t know why; it shows up in Safari and IE. The first time I got this question, I thought it was because blogrolling.com was down, but now I suspect it’s a Mozilla problem. Any clues?
Really, I’ve got to *virtual hug!* you for this one, Diane! You don’t know what an impact this has had on me. I am profoundly thankful!
Writing professionally? I don’t know WHY I never thought of that before. Good Lord, I’m a cream puff. I’d be torn to shreds! Hmm. I’ve got to re-establish my ambitions here.
The missing list o’links is also a Netscape 7 problem, since it’s built around Mozilla. I’m afraid that I have no idea why it’s happening, though.
They never really worked well in IE, either. Sometimes I’d be done with an entry before it finished unscrolling. And there seemed to be an awful lot of titles with no links under them, though that may have been intended.
For what it’s worth, I’m using Mozilla Firebird and am having no problem seeing the links.
“my right-hand column … doesn’t show up in Mozilla.”
It’s your sitemeter blowing things away, thanks to a rather unlovely bit of code in their javascript.
Try amending your sitemeter code to read as follows:
<script type=”text/javascript” language=”JavaScript”>
var site=”[your-SiteMeter-site-ID]”;
var g_leavenoscript=”true”;
<script type=”text/javascript” language=”JavaScript1.2″ src=”[your sitemeter URL]”></script>
[a passing mozilla firebird user, with a little help from blogzilla]