I mentioned on my mailing list that one of the reasons I haven’t been updating here is that I’m still using dial-up to get the Web, which is a pain in the tuchis and most of the time I’d rather not bother until we get DSL.
Ex-cuuuuuuuuuuuuse me.
A number of people wrote me to ask what my problem was, since dial-up is clearly just as good as DSL.
And all I have to say to that is: go get DSL, use it for 6 or 7 years (which is at least as long as Darin and I have had it), and then get back to me about how great dial-up is.
Dial-up is slow. Dial-up leads to pages taking molasses years to load. Dial-up leads me having the time to take Simon upstairs, change his diaper, tickle him a little, take him back downstairs, check in with Sophia, and get back to the computer before some pages have loaded. (Don’t even try to the California DMV site on dial-up. Completely not worth the time.)
Dial-up uses your damn phone line.
With DSL I am on the Internet. With dial-up, I have to wait for the modem to dial-up, connect, and stay connected.
Yes, it’s great to have dial-up available. But a comparable substitute for DSL? No way.
“With DSL I am on the Internet. With dial-up, I have to wait for the modem to dial-up, connect, and stay connected.”
Hee. Watch out, Comcast is going to steal that for their next DSL tv ad.
I will be making my next house purchase partly based on whether or not I can get DSL at that house. My last house didn’t get it. I’ve had DSL here for two years, and I will not be going back to dial-up any time soon. Dial-up is a huge time suck. I totally agree with you!
losers. DSL kicks Dial-up rear. But My LAN line is faster than all, (including T3) combined.
Who cares about your stupid LAN & T3 not a lot of people have that kind of stuff
I once had dialup and it work like I needed it to. It took forever it seemed to get one page uploaded or one file downloaded. With DSL, I can upload pages a lot faster and download files much faster.
Dialup did not work like I needed it to.
Hey! Dial-up is waaaay better than WebTv! LOL
Can’t wait for my DSL.