I just ran into a little snafu today. We checked into the corporate apartment, finally (a day later than we had originally planned, which is a long, excruciating, and ultimately not very interesting story) and discovered our Internet connection wasn’t working.
So today, after arranging to get someone to fix the air conditioning (which wasn’t working, so the place was 80 degrees last night at 10pm, which is especially exciting with two kids), I called to find out about the Internet hookup.
Short answer: $150 for the two weeks we’ll be in the apartment…and they can’t install it until the middle of next week anyhow.
So: no Internet on hand (quick: sign of the Apocalypse or no?), and I’m currently logging on by parking outside my brother-in-law’s apartment and hopping on his bandwidth. Which I can do maybe twice a day, with kids in the back screaming, “Hey! We want your attention right now!”
I’ll work on a few extremely exciting entries to make up for this shortfall.
Hey, c’mon over and sit in my yard and hop on *our* bandwidth sometime. And welcome.