Evidently someone found my site by searching Google for “Arianna Huffington nude pics.” You can try it yourself: there I am, first entry.
Verrrrry interestink. But stupid.*
*C’mon, who said it?
Welcome to Diane Patterson's eclectic blog about what strikes her fancy
Posted on Written by Diane
Evidently someone found my site by searching Google for “Arianna Huffington nude pics.” You can try it yourself: there I am, first entry.
Verrrrry interestink. But stupid.*
*C’mon, who said it?
Collateral Damage
The Googlebomb Damage Assessment report for the week features even more mutations of searches related to Kobe Bryant’s accuser. However, tonight I noticed a most disturbing trend. There were at least two referrals that arrived here by searching for Ari…
*Arte Johnson. Did I win the car or the one-way trip to Uzbekhistan?
I hear that–for a while I was getting hits from all these searches for Hillary Duff nudes, porn etc. Sometimes I think they throw a random search in there.
I’ll take the readers wherever I can find them, I guess.
Good blog.
I am the perpetual victim of “Wanda de Jesus naked.” We should form a support group.
By posting this entry you are cementing your relevance to “Arianna Huffington nude pics.”
I’ve changed one of my subtitles to be “Home of Arianna Huffington’s nude pics”! That’ll get ’em.
For months and months my top search string was “charlie ravioli” (a wonderful Adam Gopnik piece). Now it’s been overtaken and far surpassed by “cheese eating surrender monkeys” — and the hits just keep on coming. I have officially descended from Gopnik to Groundskeeper Willie. May as well start blogging about Arianna and her pics.
I have a new girlie crush on her, but no, it wasn’t me!
My best Google hit was for: “shaving my ass.”
I titled an entry with that later but I didn’t sucker anyone else in. 🙂
amazing how bored people are!