Last night at 8 I read a Curious George book to Sophia before turning off the light. When we were all done, she wanted another one.
“No, honey,” I said. “I’m going down to my bed now.”
And I did. Well, I probably turned off the light at 9, when I couldn’t keep my eyes open a moment longer.
Darin didn’t come to bed until 2.
I got up at 3 when Simon woke up.
At 6 Simon woke again and this time he woke Sophia up too. I got up to be with them until 9, at which point Daddy got out of bed. Simon was cranky, so I lay down to nurse him for a while…and the two of us ended up sleeping until 11.
Last time Simon took a 2-hour morning nap: 5, 6 months ago. Last time I did: never.
We finally woke up and the family went out to lunch, although it was clear Sophia was already fading. She didn’t eat lunch, she wanted the people at the table next to us to leave so she could stretch her feet out on their part of the bench, she cried when we left because she hadn’t had a chance to eat her meal. (Evidently she wasn’t counting the previous hour we’d been there.) She fell asleep the second we got in the car.
It used to be that Sophia could take a nap and still go to bed at 8; now it’s take a nap OR go to bed at 8. She used to take her nap at 4pm; now she’s falling asleep at 11am.
Simon used to sleep until 7 or Sophia woke him up. Now he’s waking her (and us) up a good hour earlier.
Everyone’s sleep cycle is off. I don’t know how it got started or what we can do about it. Well, I’m considering black-out blinds for the kids’ room.
Darin will probably fall asleep around 6 this evening. Sophia may just do an all-nighter.
I’ve had my coffee, that’s the important thing.
We’ve had this problem with every one of them. I think blackout blinds are a perfect idea. I’ve never been one to KEEP THEM AWAKE at all costs so they’ll go to sleep at a decent time and sleep soundly for several hours, but desperation has changed my mind. They get up 9-ish, and if they haven’t napped by 2 at the latest, we won’t let ’em, because then, they’ll go to bed late, late and that begins the cycle.
It’s hard for me to say what may work and what won’t, because all kids are different, and you know they take their cues from the parents. In any case, I think setting a solid, SOLID routine will eventually make itself work.
Again, the blackout blinds are a great idea. Do they nap in their rooms? I think that’s a good routine. Hope this all works out soon. I know very well that living on coffee takes its toll.
P.S. My youngest’s name is Sophia, too! 🙂 And we were going to name her Simon if she was a boy. I love that name.