What is a blog? It’s publishing on the web with extremely low entrance requirements. (Actually, that’s not what they said, but I’m sitting on concrete, okay?)
This discussion of blogging is hilarious, because I feel like I’ve been having this conversation for, oh, years and years and years. Which, of course, I have. Blogging software has just made it a lot easier for more and more people to get in on it and publish more and more. Well, true: before blogger you actually had to alter files yourself. But other than that, whenever they say “blog” I think “online journal” and this is pretty familiar stuff.
Dammit, I should be up there.
(Oh good—a waft of oh-so-tasty cigarette smoke. Yay.)
I think I may have mentioned this before, though no time recently—when I was at Stanford I used to change my finger.plan every day, putting in parts of a continuing story or jokes or whatever. A lot of people looked at my finger.plan every day. So it would be fair to say I’ve been doing this for…some…incredible…number of years.
This is hilarious: they’re discussing how quick blogging is and how anonymous it can be through sites like blogspot.com. Because before blogs you needed, you know, FrontPage.
Okay, maybe I’m not anywhere near these guys. Whoever’s talking mentioned getting three million hits in a few days. Do I need to mention more sex in nka? Discuss.
Now, THIS is interesting. I’m no cynic, but I do tend to wax cynical in situations JUST like this. 😉 Have fun.