I want to post an entry every day for three weeks. Why? you ask. (Yes, I have preternatural hearing.) Because a friend once told me that if you do something every day for three weeks it becomes habit and you don’t think about it any more.
This sort of wisdom probably belongs in the same category as something a friend once told me in sixth grade: that you can get yourself to wake up on time without an alarm clock if you bounce your head against the pillow the number of hours as the time you want to wake up — that is, 7 bounces to wake up at 7 o’clock. That sounds ridiculous to me now, but you know what? It has always worked. Belief is a powerful tool.
A few days ago I posted a little about why I decided to come back to doing Nobody Knows Anything. I thought about (but evidently didn’t say) that one of the attractive features about coming back was there are hundreds and hundreds of writers doing blogs and journals now; I could just do my thing and not worry so much.
Then I was tooling around my list o’ links (available on my front page) and ran across this entry in Brian’s Education Blog. I didn’t even realize right away that the mother of a 3-year-old he was talking about was me.
I don’t know Brian, I’ve never communicated with him, I should be flattered that in a few short days other people have noticed me, right?
I freaked out. I started talking to whomever would sit still long enough (happened to be my friend Rob and my brother-in-law Scott, both of whom were on iChat right then) about it. What did it mean? Why me? What had I done? Had I exposed my daughter to the world in some terrible way? (I’ve already thought about that a lot, believe me.) Why in the world is anyone paying attention to me?
It’s strange how I covet attention—you can’t put a journal on the Web and pretend you don’t know what you’re doing, sorry, no sirree—and then am truly surprised when I discover that yes, indeed, attention is being paid.
Wanna know something hilarious? I just looked up “nobody knows anything” on Google and discovered that Yours Truly is the number one hit. <bats eyes, looks down demurely, says, “Aw shucks.”> That’s not hilarious, that’s simply as it should be. (Heh.) No, the hilarious part is that it’s not immediately apparent where the phrase “nobody knows anything” comes from.
For those of you pondering this exact question, I wrote a wee something four—oh my God, four—years ago on this very topic. Go read that.
Something even more hilarious—or completely barmy, you decide: The Lord of the Peeps. (Via Interesting Times.)
I feel like the Matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof.
But it’s the dancing in circles and shouting “Hey!” that’s got us all concerned…
Was just thinkingbaout you today and wondering what you were up to and if you kept any online record anymore – and voila! Here you are!
No pictures of the wee bairn? Gosh she must be so big now 🙂
Tracy —
The archives aren’t too big to navigate yet. You can find the not-so-wee bairn here: http://www.nobody-knows-anything.com/mtarchives/000016.html#000016